Excellent day at #CrystalPalaceBeerFestival (I am the only person using this hashtag but am sticking with it!). South London at its finest. Beautiful weather, friendly people. Good times all round.
On the way to the #CrystalPalaceBeerFestival. Stopped to collect a friend and line our stomachs in my old area where I lived off and on between 10 and 20 years ago. Hilariously this was the poster that greeted us as we hit the high street....
Ha! Talking of which.....it's the #CrystalPalaceBeerFestival tomorrow! The annual pilgrimage for me & the old school dad pals, only this year.....the women folk are also going?! (WHAAAA? #LADIES?... #DRINKING #BEER?!). It's going to be a beautiful day in Sarf #London. Free reign of the whole stadium, lots of lovely beer & there's apparently some game on tomorrow aswell. Previous celebrities I have met there are Neil Morrissey & Maxi Jazz.
#crystalpalacebeerfestival #ladies #Drinking #beer #london