Kpop in Japan · @kpop
41 followers · 11943 posts · Server 【小学生礼拝】スペシャル・Joyくる(2023.9.10) -POP女性アイドルランキング (Joy) .1は?

#cgntv #cs #joyくる #k #イエス・キリスト #イエス様 #オンライン #お祈り #キリスト教 #キリスト教会 #キリスト教徒 #クリスチャン #ゲーム #コグ #ゴスペル #こども #こども伝道 #ジョイ #ジョイくる #ジョイフェス #チャーチ・オブ・ゴッド #チャーチオブゴッド #ミッション #ミラクル #メビッグ #メビッククレイジーチャンネル #メビック賛美 #伝道 #奇跡 #子ども #子ども伝道 #子供たち #子供伝道 #川崎 #川崎キリスト教会 #教会 #教会学校 #日曜学校 #日曜日学校 #日本cgntv #楽しい #楽しむ #礼拝 #祈り #祈る #福音 #賛美 #賛美の歌 #賛美歌 #賛美歌・聖歌 #遊び #韓国の女性メンバー人気no #鬼ごっこ

Last updated 1 year ago

PUB-X · @pubx
1 followers · 3114 posts · Server 【小学生礼拝】スペシャル・Joyくる(2023.9.10) -popIdols (Joy)

#cgntv #christian #cog #cs #enjoy #japancgntv #joyくる #kpopgirls #k #kids #mebig #sundayschool #イエス・キリスト #イエス様 #オンライン #お祈り #キリスト教 #キリスト教会 #クリスチャン #ゲーム #ゴスペル #こども #こども伝道 #ジョイ #ジョイくる #ジョイフェス #チャーチ・オブ・ゴッド #チャーチオブゴッド #ミラクル #メビック #メビッククレイジーチャンネル #メビック賛美 #伝道 #奇跡 #子ども #子ども伝道 #子供伝道 #宣教 #川崎 #川崎キリスト教会 #教会 #教会学校 #日曜日学校 #日本cgntv #楽しい #礼拝 #祈り #祈る #福音 #賛美 #賛美の歌 #賛美歌 #賛美歌・聖歌 #遊び #鬼ごっこ

Last updated 1 year ago

amen zwa, esq. · @AmenZwa
155 followers · 1582 posts · Server

When I was a wee lad entering development (in the 1980s), most of us came from and backgrounds. And it was a common practice that each of us had small, pet projects—signal processing, image processing, hardware simulators, computer graphics, graph algorithms, networking protocols, programming languages, operating systems, chess engines, approximate polynomial algorithms for NP-complete problems, etc.—that we used to hone our theoretical and practical skills. These were toy problems, for sure; but they had heft, nonetheless. And we didn't just hack up the code; we studied the underlying theories, before we implement something, even a toy project.

This was what I was referring to, when I posted earlier about "daily practice routine" for . I've tried to inculcate this good, life-long habit in my younger colleagues, without success.

These days, most software practitioners see themselves as mere coders, not programmers, and they feel no need to improve themselves, since they've already mastered JavaScript or Python syntax. This attitude is detrimental to the longevity of their careers.

These kids are swamped with having to maintain millions of lines of buggy code that their predecessors had cobbled together off StackOverview. There is no requirements, no specifications, no design, and no one person who understands the entire system.

Furthermore, their non-technical managers are always pounding them to keep raising their "commits", which is now the key metric used in promotion and pay rise.

As such, in just a couple of months of starting employment, eager youngsters turn into jaded code-pasters who experience no fulfilment in programming.

#programmers #cs #ee #software

Last updated 1 year ago

L'Osservatorio Esteri · @OsservatorioEsteri
678 followers · 6391 posts · Server

Sondaggio di 40db:

|EPP: 34%
|S&D: 32%
|ECR: 13%
(------)|LEFT|G/EFA: 12%
|G/EFA: 2%
|NI: 1,5%
|LEFT: 1%
|RE: 1%
|G/EFA: 1%
|RE: 0,5%
|Centro-destra navarro unionista: 0,2%
|RE: 0,2%

Data rilevazione: 17-24 agosto

Intervistati: 1933

In foto i seggi.


#sondaggi #spagna #pp #psoe #vox #sumar #iu #podemos #catcomu #mp #compromis #cha #mes #erc #junts #ehbildu #PNV #bng #cc #upn #cs

Last updated 1 year ago

PUB-X · @pubx
1 followers · 2297 posts · Server 【小学生礼拝】スペシャル・Joyくる(2023.9.3) -popIdols (Joy)

#cgntv #christian #cog #cs #enjoy #japancgntv #joyくる #kpopgirls #k #kids #mebig #sundayschool #イエス・キリスト #イエス様 #オンライン #お祈り #キリスト教 #キリスト教会 #クリスチャン #ゲーム #ゴスペル #こども #こども伝道 #ジョイ #ジョイくる #ジョイフェス #チャーチ・オブ・ゴッド #チャーチオブゴッド #ミラクル #メビック #メビッククレイジーチャンネル #メビック賛美 #伝道 #奇跡 #子ども #子ども伝道 #子供伝道 #宣教 #川崎 #川崎キリスト教会 #教会 #教会学校 #日曜日学校 #日本cgntv #楽しい #礼拝 #祈り #祈る #福音 #賛美 #賛美の歌 #賛美歌 #賛美歌・聖歌 #遊び #鬼ごっこ

Last updated 1 year ago

amen zwa, esq. · @AmenZwa
151 followers · 1550 posts · Server

I've seen a musician with the Circle of Fifths tattoo upon his forearm. I've seen a doctor who has a tattoo of Hermes's Caduceus, well hidden under his duty coat. I've also seen a lawyer with the Scales of Justice tattoo on his upper arm.

But I've never seen an with the IEEE logo tattoo, nor have I ever seen a with the ACM logo tattoo. Commitment issues have we?

#cs #ee

Last updated 1 year ago

amen zwa, esq. · @AmenZwa
146 followers · 1477 posts · Server

is perhaps the most sophisticated ever created.

That may well sound like an oxymoronic statement by an oxygenated moron. But it is true. It behooves all undergraduates to study this little pure jewel.

Yes, Elm is a web front-end DSL. But it is not a requirement to place that yoke upon one's shoulders. REPL, \(\texttt{elm-test}\), and other command-line tools enable local, off-the-web work.

Besides, these youngsters will have to grapple with web development the moment they enter . So, they might as well get started on it—the proper way in Elm—while still in the nurturing environment of school.

#it #fp #cs #dsl #elm

Last updated 1 year ago

amen zwa, esq. · @AmenZwa
144 followers · 1469 posts · Server

My favourite on languages:

• The C Programming Language—Kernighan & Ritchie
• Pascal User Manual and Report—Jensen & Wirth
• Pharo by Example—Ducasse
• The Scheme
Programming Language—Dybvig
• ML for the Working Programmer—Paulson
• OCaml Programming: Correct + Efficient + Beautiful—Clarkson et al.
• Programming in Haskell, Hutton

These textbooks have a few things in common:

• They are all stylish
• They are all succinct
• They are all comprehensive
• They are all balanced as to theory and practice
• They are all written by professors

#cs #programming #textbooks

Last updated 1 year ago

L'Osservatorio Esteri · @OsservatorioEsteri
644 followers · 6151 posts · Server

La portavoce di |RE Patricia ha annunciato il suo ritiro dalla politica.


#spgna #cs #guasp

Last updated 1 year ago

amen zwa, esq. · @AmenZwa
139 followers · 1446 posts · Server

I read quite a lot of practice books, perhaps nowhere as many as peer-reviewed papers, but still quite a bunch. I wish those IT book authors would stop inventing "cool, new terms" for century-old concepts that they're regurgitating.

#mathematics #cs #it

Last updated 1 year ago

Farooq Karimi Zadeh · @farooqkz
28 followers · 190 posts · Server


Ah you are referring to electronics and signals...

That doesn't have much to do with Math. If you are interested, read about

#analog_computers #computers #cs #analogue #alternate_computing

Last updated 1 year ago

amen zwa, esq. · @AmenZwa
139 followers · 1442 posts · Server

I consider of fundamental import to the survival of in the near future.

Current IT practitioners know our industry has lost its mooring, partly due to our fault and partly due to our paymasters. We no longer have enough deep thinkers, but too many cool-talking code pasters—the .

Most of today's experienced practitioners are well entrenched in this self-sustaining, growing system. Indeed, they are the flag bearers of this "code first, ask questions never" generation. They will not alter course. So, if we are to make a substantive difference, we have to start before the next generation enters the corrupting influence of industry and is still in the nurturing bosom of academia.

A majority of high schoolers with a CS bent who are moving up to college suffer from the same "do, think not" syndrome, partly due to the imbecilic AP CS curriculum and partly due to their teachers not having CS background but only shallow IT coding experience. So, college professors must spend the first year, at least, undoing the damage high school has done to these kids. Moreover, the final year is spent lolling about or searching jobs. As such, two years is typically all these kids have to learn to think.

This situation may seem untenable, ab initio. But if we look at the long view, it is workable.

If good CS professors can reconfigure the minds of the undergraduates into the thinking mode and anneal their brains to become life-long-learning substrates, these kids can affect the future of IT for the better.

#brogrammers #it #education #undergraduate #cs

Last updated 1 year ago

Orphée · @0rphee
14 followers · 247 posts · Server

my degree is getting more and more disappointing as time goes on… maybe i shouldn’t have any expectations at all, but still. is overrated? is it too much to ask for (paid) courses that teach you stuff you can learn online (for free) in the same amount of time and with better quality?

for me, it’s been difficult to accept, that all courses will have to explain AGAIN how to write a for loop, and where a whole 1.5hrs are spent on how to get a very very basic cli program to work (i know, i know, sometimes students can’t get to compile their code by themselves, but (most of the time) that shouldn’t even be an issue, by this point they should know WHAT a compiler is, and HOW to use it)

it’d be nice dropping out, getting all courses’ syllabi and studying on my own yk?

#cs #cseducation #computerscience #college #university

Last updated 1 year ago

Das Dan · @D
110 followers · 262 posts · Server

@kris It is activity pub, so it should be, but I have no idea how… because I am a , not a person…

Edit to add, @largeintrons is the place to find it.

#theologian #cs

Last updated 1 year ago

Adrian Lopez · @zeioth
20 followers · 120 posts · Server

compiling on with compiler.nvim and debuggin it on .

#demo #cs #dotnet #neovim #dap

Last updated 1 year ago

🎓 Dr. Freemo :jpf: 🇳🇱 · @freemo
31517 followers · 50278 posts · Server

A little gem I just published that allows you to create true abstract classes and methods in Ruby. Basically throws an error at instantiation / creation of an abstract class if abstract methods arent implemented.

While there are a few gems that allow you to create abstract classes and methods all of the ones i found just cause abstract methods to throw errors when called if not implemented. This solution actually throws an error when you attempt to create the class itself, so it is fail-fast and more in line with the spirit of an abstract method.



PS: Probably the first and only project I will ever write with a true 100% code coverage report :)

#programming #ruby #cs #computerscience

Last updated 1 year ago

amen zwa, esq. · @AmenZwa
125 followers · 1354 posts · Server

I just published "PDF: purely functional data structures in " on GitHub.

These are Elm reimplementations of the data structures presented in the book " " (1999) by Prof. Okasaki. It is the only one of its kid that I am aware. It is a tour de force of functional thinking. The book includes and implementations.

Okasaki is a descendant of the ML tradition. His PhD advisor at CMU during the mid 1990s was Prof. Harper who wrote "Programming in Standard ML" (2011), contributed to the definition of the language, and was a member of the ML posse, alongside Milner, Tofte, Reppy, MacQueen, et al.

I chose for the following reasons:

• Elm is a purely functional language
• Elm does not yet have a comprehensive library of data structures
• Elm evolves at a deliberate pace, with subsuming to the modern CI/CD pipeline pressure
• Elm is one of the simplest languages
• Elm is sane
• These properties make Elm a good candidate for use in education, for teaching FP, for teaching data structures, and for teaching disciplined web programming, and a comprehensive collection of data structures could be of use in undergraduate education

An unstated, but no less important, reason for my choosing Elm is Python fatigue. I currently use Python at work, and I am also expanding my "CLRS algorithms in Jupyter notebooks" project. I like Python, but many hours of Python a day is deleterious to my . Elm is both the prophylactic and the cure.

Please note that both PDF and CLRS are my solo projects, and they are works in progress that grow incrementally. Both projects aim to help undergraduate students.

#mentalhealth #cs #fp #haskell #standardml #datastructures #functional #purely #elm

Last updated 1 year ago

🎓 Dr. Freemo :jpf: 🇳🇱 · @freemo
31512 followers · 50248 posts · Server

Very interesting waterfall (spectrogram) of a dial up modem connecting. I can even picture where all the sounds come from I remember hearing as a child from the classic dialup connection.

#cs #computerscience #computerengineering #stem #technology

Last updated 1 year ago

amen zwa, esq. · @AmenZwa
124 followers · 1341 posts · Server

in languages treat programmers with a laconic disdain. The type checker in , however, encourages programmers to do better, and provides clear, cogent, constructive critiques. This makes Elm a good candidate in which to study FP, perhaps even as the first language.

Most of all, I view Elm as a pragmatic language in which to teach students disciplined web development, after they have learned FP in Haskell, OCaml, or Standard ML.

#cs #programming #elm #fp #typecheckers

Last updated 1 year ago

🎓 Dr. Freemo :jpf: 🇳🇱 · @freemo
31499 followers · 50074 posts · Server

Ya know the more I reflect on the languages I know the more I realize that outside of functional languages none of them really handle immutability well.

Consider that you want most of your objects to be immutable most of the time. Thats all well and good till you realize you want to be able to edit the objects in such a way that it creates duplicates that have some data changed but are likewise immutable.

This tends to stop working, almost entierly, once you get into subclassing. If you parent class has a method that returns a copy of itself with some data modified, this will break in children classes, since you want children classes to return instances of itself, not its parent.

Its not that you cant fix that, but the code gets very ugly very quickly. Generally you are forced to let the code handling the classes do the copying and editing itself, but that is pretty ugly too.

I have had this pattern problem in almost every OO language i messed with, Java, Ruby, Python, etc.

#python #ruby #programming #cs #java

Last updated 1 year ago