Allllmost done with my final project for #CS50p. Just a couple more things I need to add. Maybe 1-2 more hrs of work.
I’m probably spending too much time on this project that nobody will ever see or use.
I completed #cs50p Week 9 (Et Cetera). There is no problem set. We are now sent off on our own to complete a final project (which I’ve already started working on).
Not including any time spent on the final project, it’s taken me roughly 29hrs of work to get to this point.
My final project idea is pretty straight forward. So it shouldn’t take me any longer than 10 hours total.
I am done with #cs50p Week 8. This weeks topic was OOP, and it was a long one. The PSET wasn’t so bad (except for having to use the fpdf2 library).
One more lecture than the final project! I guess I need to come up with a final project idea…
Forgot to say that I finished #cs50p Week 6 (File I/O). A few bits were a little challenging, but nothing crazy hard. Got to play with the pillow library!
I’m done with #cs50p Week 5. This week was about #pytest and involved writing unit tests for some of the previous PSETs.
It really wasn’t too bad at all, though it involved refactoring some of my previous code to fit the testing requirements.
Still not as hard as #FreeCodeCamp’s Quality Assurance Cert where you had to write a ton of backend code to test. 😮💨
#cs50p Week 4 is complete! This week’s lesson was about libraries.
The PSET wasn’t too difficult. Some of the problems could be completed in a dozen lines of code, but that means reading through library documentation to figure it out.
Halfway done! It’s taken me about 11.5hrs of work to get this point.
#cs50p Week 3 is complete. This week’s PSET has some trickier stuff in it. Still nothing too tough, but the lesson this week was on Exceptions. So there are problems with a lot of edge cases to account for.
In most cases, you’d just validate input with regex, honestly. But we’re not there yet, so it’d feel like cheating to use it.
#cs50p Week 2 complete! Still pretty introductory stuff, so it didn’t take long.
The “plates” problem in PSET2 took a little extra work, but only because I think I’m not supposed to use regex yet.
#cs50p Week 1 complete. So far it’s still introductory stuff, so I’m able to breeze through it pretty fast. Still, there are good tidbits to learn here and there.
I decided to check out #cs50p (their Python course) just to work on my Python skills a bit more. Week 0 is complete. Very introductory stuff so far.