I'm done with #CS50x !
Best programming course I've ever followed.
If you're a total beginner, it's certainly a bit challenging (in a good way, plus the community is very helpful - I used Discord). But it will give you a very good start.
The training is super polished, very interesting and fun. Who would believe you could learn programming while having fun (especially SQL ! Thank you fiftyville).
Thanks to the CS50 team, #HarvardUniversity and #edx
#cs50x #harvarduniversity #edx
#CS50x Puzzle Day 2023 will be Friday, March 31 – Monday, April 3! If you'd like to participate, register at https://cs50.ly/register. Open to all, whether taking CS50 or not. See https://cs50.ly/puzzles for all details.
CS50x Puzzle Day is an online adaptation of an event held at Harvard each year open to everyone around the world, whether taking CS50 or not.
I started the 'Introduction to Computer Science' course at CS50x to get HarvardX's computer science for web programming professional certificate. The courses of this programm is free, you can start studying programming without previous knowledge.
I started because in addition to reviewing and learning technical concepts, I will also improve my English in the process.
If you want more informations about the programm: https://www.edx.org/professional-certificate/harvardx-computer-science-for-web-programming
#learning #computerscience #cs50x #Harvard
And ... I'm done.
Week 0 to 9 of #CS50x fully covered. All labs and psets submitted ... in less than a month and 10 days.
I'm still watching week 10 "Emoji" and I'll check all the seminars as well.
Fortunately I was already working on a project before I started: my Scuba Diving App. As I have a fully working public version at hand, I'll submit it for my final project.
I just need to work the required steps for submission.
#cs50x #harvarduniversity #edx
I submitted all labs and psets of #CS50x except pset 8.
I'm more of a back-end kind of developer. Working on a "homepage" site in HTML and CSS is NOT something I find fun or exciting. Probably because this is something I did already ... like 15 years ago ;-)
Anyway week 9 was more interesting as I never took the time to use #Flask.
One more week to go before the final project. Not bad considering I enrolled on Jan 10.
#cs50x #flask #harvarduniversity #edx
I can't believe #HarvardUniversity managed to make learning SQL so fun.
I'm done with week 7 of #CS50x and solving Fiftyville was really fun.
I registered on Jan 10 and covered weeks 0 though 7 so far (in about 4 weeks). 3 more weeks to go before the final project.
I absolutely love it, it's just brilliant. One of the best courses I registered to. Even if I'm an experienced programmer it remains challenging enough and super interesting.
Kudos Harvard University.
#harvarduniversity #cs50x #edx
To refresh my RAM I decided to take the challenge, my first #cs50x assignment. Initially skeptical of #Scratch, but it's surprisingly cool. Created a simple shooter game prototype, 🚀🔫 #CS50 💻💥 https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/798177704/
Week4 of #CS50x is super interesting!
The theme is: image (bmp) and audio (wav) files data manipulation in memory.
It's a great way to learn more about the internal structure of these file types.
It's so fun I've decided to solve all the challenges :)
The image below is part of the problem set. The goal is to identify all edges within an image.
#cs50x #harvarduniversity #edx
@alter_kaker Well now, this may be a controversial answer, because #Lua is a bit of a bugaboo for teaching good programming habits, but #Love2D is a pretty great little development environment for games. The #CS50X course from EdX teaches how to code with Love2D, the YT vids are available. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GfwpRU0cT10
Pfew … I finally solved Tideman in week 3 of CS50.
This one probably took me the equivalent of a full workday worth of time spread over the last 4 days. Understanding what needs to be done and why is probably half the job.
For once I had to think “on paper” to tweak my algorithms. I also asked the community on Discord for test datasets to finally nail it. They were super helpful.
Weeks 0-3 fully covered over the last couple weeks.
#cs50x #harvarduniversity #edx
Nice article: A novice’s guide to learning to code with CS50
I'm an experienced programmer, but I reckon that for a novice, there is a steep learning curve. Each week's lecture is packed with information.
I'm glad I already know most of it so far. I can focus more on enjoying the programming mind games :)
#cs50x #harvarduniversity #edx
I'm done with week0 and week1 of CS50. So far the lectures are great (although a bit long) and the problems fun to solve.
Over the last 4 days, I created my first Scratch program (a game) and went back to C programming (it's been years, decades even ?).
Long story short I really enjoy this course :)
#cs50x #harvarduniversity #edx
I submitted my first project (in Scratch) for week0 of Harvard University's CS50.
I created a retro classic inspired game called Asteroids.
It's been fun :)
#harvarduniversity #cs50x #edx
I enrolled to Harvard University's "CS50's Introduction to Computer Science" for fun today.
Even though it's an introductory course, a wide number of interesting topics and languages are addressed.
I'm sure I'll (re-)learn a few things.
#harvarduniversity #edx #cs50x
#CS50x was fun! As a [rusty] coder it was surprisingly challenging, varied, and enjoyable overall - reminded me of the old hacker challenges and wargames of the 2000s.
I'd recommend it to anyone interested in Computer Science and also to employers looking for ways to ensure candidates are CompSci-literate.
#cs50x #cs50 #computerscience #education
So, in inspiration for my #introduction I looked back at my first #birdsite post, it was "is being a sheep, baa." Seems appropriate as I'm joining in the #TwitterMigration 😆
When I'm done being a sheep who knows what I'll use this for as I wasn't engaging actively elsewhere before (other than posting dog pics on #instagram).
I work in reporting (or #dataviz to be all codewordy), largely in #QlikView but exploring #PowerBI and #Tableau.
Also, trying to refresh my coding from basics by doing #CS50x in my spare time.
#cs50x #TwitterMigration #powerbi #tableau #introduction #birdsite #instagram #dataviz #qlikview
I started taking #CS50x by Harvard. Their teaching style is definitely the Turtle Hermit's way.
I just finished week1. I don't know how much longer I can stay with harder assignments.