Good morning from #csstasaph #cscjourney . We open this morning with Dr. Peter, taking us through his approach. He opens, remembering his time in theological college, and refers to theological college as a 'mad house', and suggests that PhD stands for 'pretty hopeless darling'.
Peter suggests that a 'psalm a day keeps the doctor away'. Peter suggests that there is no point 'praying the psalms' if it's not rooted in history, then the 'biblical faith wanders down to nothing'
Back after a quick break to #csstasaph #cscjourney #StAsaphDiocese with Graham from CPAS
#stasaphdiocese #cscjourney #csstasaph
Good Morning Everyone, we are back at #csstasaph #cscjourney with Dr. Peter Walker, who will be taking us through his book (and series of videos). A reminder that what follows is a look at his thoughts.
Having got a little warning from Mastodon for live-tweeting from Twitter, I will do my best to update this timeline separately.
Second speaker at #cscjourney #StAsaphClergySchool - Graham Archer from CPAs - Making the Journey Happen.
#StAsaphClergySchool #cscjourney