my #cs degree is getting more and more disappointing as time goes on… maybe i shouldn’t have any expectations at all, but still. is #cseducation overrated? is it too much to ask for (paid) courses that teach you stuff you can learn online (for free) in the same amount of time and with better quality?
for me, it’s been difficult to accept, that all courses will have to explain AGAIN how to write a for loop, and where a whole 1.5hrs are spent on how to get a very very basic cli program to work (i know, i know, sometimes students can’t get to compile their code by themselves, but (most of the time) that shouldn’t even be an issue, by this point they should know WHAT a compiler is, and HOW to use it)
it’d be nice dropping out, getting all courses’ syllabi and studying on my own yk?
#cs #cseducation #computerscience #college #university
We had our inaugural Internet of Things course where students had the opportunity to present some really neat projects using Raspberry Pis and ESP8266 boards. Projects included a soil sensing system, a smart doorbell camera, a backup camera for a car, and a smart mailbox system. Very cool to see what students created!
"Technosolutionsim and the Unspoken Politics of Modern CS Education"
Quiz: Is this a real paper or #ChatGPT hallucinated source?
If fake should it be real?
If it is real what do you think it says?
#chatgpt #uspol #siliconvalley #cseducation
#CallForContributions #ThEdu23 (Theorem proving components for Educational software) "brings together experts in automated deduction with experts in education in order to further clarify the shape of a new software generation and to discuss existing systems" #ATP #CSEd #CSEducation
#cseducation #csed #ATP #thedu23 #CallForContributions
This is totally absurd! #CSEducation
I shared some thoughts around my School at #ANU regarding #ChatGPT and introductory #CSEducation , and thought some people here might have an interest; a thread (1/x):
Linux Beginner Resources!!!
#cseducation #linux #linuxquestions #unix
I feel like doing another first draft of a blog post in the form of a thread. This one's about teaching students assembly language. Further posts will be unlisted (but boosting is encouraged) and may require Markdown.
Currently, my high school Intro to CS class utilizes JavaScript, but I'm considering changing things to Python next year. The students have expressed interest. Any reason not to? I'm equally familiar with both languages.
Python Benefits: relevant, student interest, connects with concepts like Data Science, AI
JavaScript Benefits: focus on graphics, games, interactivity. Dovetails with p5.js
#python #javascript #cseducation
#CallForSubmissions #TFPIE2023 (Trends in Functional Programming in Education) "aims to be a venue where novel ideas, classroom-tested ideas and work-in-progress on the use of functional programming in education are discussed". #CSEd #CSEducation #FP #FunctionalProgramming
#functionalprogramming #fp #cseducation #csed #tfpie2023 #callforsubmissions
Thinking a lot about #CSEd #CSEducation pathways from HS -> Postsecondary Education-> Workforce. How many professionals in computing occupations have CS degrees? What other pathways into computing (broadly) should we be highlighting? Would BLS or someone have data on this (nationally or regionally)?
For those of you that teach deep learning in your courses, have you found any good resources for free compute for students? I am finding it difficult to have them work on anything even remotely substantial if all they have is a laptop (CPU-only). #cseducation #machinelearning
passioned about #physics and #philosophy. researching #quantumcomputing as a topic for #cseducation.
#physics #philosophy #quantumcomputing #cseducation
Are there any Computer Science, Engineering, or other STEM teachers on here? Let's get a hashtag and conversation started! #STEMTeachers #STEMEducation #CSEducation
#stemteachers #stemeducation #cseducation
Le mercredi, j'aurai le plaisir de faire l'ouverture du colloque #auptic2022 pour discuter des "Défis #didactiques à l'ère du numérique" (programme :
#CSeducation #STEMeducation
#stemeducation #cseducation #Didactiques #auptic2022
I had a lot of fun learning how to implement AVL binary search trees over the weekend. Definitely the hardest assignment of my degree program so far!
#cseducation #python #datastructures
I am a Senior Lecturer and researcher interested in machine learning and computer vision approaches as a tool to aid in rehabilitation, diagnosis, and accessibility.
As an educator, I am interested in perspectives from both academia and industry. I want to provide students with the tools and confidence to pursue whatever avenue they are most interested in.
I'm also interested in fostering diversity in #cseducation through listening and understanding.
I'm a former software developer in #Boston, now a computer science #teacher at #Marianopolis College near #Montreal, #Canada. I'm interested in #cseducation, #programming languages, #python, #ai, #ml, and most other topics in #computing and #cognition.
#cognition #computing #ml #ai #python #programming #cseducation #canada #montreal #marianopolis #teacher #boston #introduction
Rice’s theorem – an interactive tutorial I wrote
#compsci #cseducation #programming
Con los objetivos de que les estudiantes prueben un modo de introducirse a la programación , y compartir la idea de que con las netbooks que tienen las escuelas públicas es posible: mañana voy a dar un taller de SonicPi + Hydra para que les estudiantes remixen algo de código para que vayan viendo y escuchando lo que sucede. Algo así como un Edu-algorave.
Preparando algunos souvenires para que se lleven para la casa en fotocopia. Será en el Complejo Ferial, Córdoba, viernes 16 de septiembre, 14:00 en el contexto de Expotrónica. Ah, el taller se llama "Hagamos cantar a las compus". #Hydra #sonicPi #CSEducation #EnseñanzaDeLaProgramación
#ensenanzadelaprogramacion #cseducation #sonicpi #hydra