You know how #Dragonsdawn was the #prequel to McCaffrey's Pern books? #Nightborn is like that for #CSFriedman 's Erna #Coldfire novels.
#dawbooks #preorders #newreleases #SciFi #sf #coldfire #csfriedman #nightborn #prequel #dragonsdawn
Super excited: last night got shipping confirmation for our pre-order of C.S. Friedman's _Nightborn: Coldfire Rising_, the prequel to her Coldfire trilogy, one of our all-time favorites.
#reading #scifi #books #newreleases #newbooks #CSFriedman #goodnews
#goodnews #csfriedman #newbooks #newreleases #Books #SciFi #Reading
In response to your fairly good point about not a ton of female authors, I went back and looked at my kindle for the 5 most recent female authors I've read (discounting one offs I didn't enjoy).
Considering I had to go back to April to get 5, I think my reading lists have been too male-dominated recently! Will be looking through the others listed.
#octaviabutler #MarthaWells #csfriedman #loismcmasterbujold #clpolk
UAlbany NY 1985
83-84 Loughborough UK
Mom of 2 Eagle Scouts, wife/admin to indie geotech civ eng.
Rebuilding old habits, like reading, writing, & creative arts.
#Chaucer #Blake #Tolkien #Asimov #CSFriedman #BibleJournaling
#pens #books #menopause #thriftshop #stickshift #NaNoWriMoFailQueen #DisaffectedEpiscopalian #4H #MidHudsonMensa #intersectionalFeminism #taxonomy #beads #jewelry #etymology #NoTerfs #lymphoma #shingles
#midhudsonmensa #biblejournaling #csfriedman #asimov #Introduction #shingles #lymphoma #noTerfs #etymology #jewelry #beads #taxonomy #intersectionalfeminism #4h #disaffectedepiscopalian #nanowrimofailqueen #stickshift #thriftshop #menopause #Books #pens #tolkien #blake #chaucer #ilovenystate