Word schoonmaker op het CSG Comenius Zamenhof in Leeuwarden!
Bekijk hier de vacature: https://vacatures-leeuwarden.nl/vacature/schoonmaker-csg-comenius-zamenhof-leeuwarden/
#vacature #leeuwarden #csg #zamenhof #comenius
I started a new page dedicated to the #MagicaCSG creations and tips in the future.
Each model has a download file for you :)
#magicacsg #csg #sdf #renders #3d #gallery
RT @DutchSpace
And here are the last ever Ariane 5 boosters (EAPs)
#VA261 #Ariane5 #CSG https://twitter.com/DutchSpace/status/1654532353488814082
RT @DutchSpace
And here is proof that H2Sat (or Heinrich Hertz) arrived at CSG on the 27th ;-)
#VA261 #Ariane5 #CSG #ESA https://twitter.com/DutchSpace/status/1651500111342587904
#CSG #Pollution #JustWrong This is actually criminal if it happens. The gas industry has known about this problem for over a decade now. The Queensland Government needs to stop #CoalSeamGas immediately! https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2023/apr/08/coal-seam-gas-waste-plan-risks-washing-5m-tonnes-of-salt-into-the-murray-darling-basin?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other
#csg #pollution #justwrong #coalseamgas
Zapraszam na podsumowanie newsów z weekendu i poniedziałku w najnowszej Pigułce Newsów (04-06.03): https://trocheograch.pl/pigulka-newsow-04-06-03/
Znajdziecie w niej:
🔹Podsumowanie pokazu #paradoxinteractive
🔹Trochę nowych informacji o #Ibru
🔹Plotki o #CSG 2 i #GTAVI.
#paradoxinteractive #ibru #csg #gtavi #giereczkowo
Hi Mastodon - what would this plane be doing over the #Pilliga ? Scanning for fires? Geological surveying? Mapping? No registration so can't see who owns it.
#Geology #Mining #CSG #Cartography
#pilliga #geology #mining #csg #cartography
Politie registreerde bijna 10.000 seksuele misdrijven: 'Topje van de ijsberg'