Oggi compie 70 anni questo ragazzino, da sempre fedele alla linea perché la linea non c'è. ❤️
Non fare di me un idolo mi brucerò.
Auguri Giovanni Lindo!
#giovannilindoferretti #cccp #csi
If you made #CSI-type tech dialogue funnier and more accurate:
"We took the suspect's social media posts and tossed them into a geoguessr forum to get the city."
"Cool. Get as many interns to look through insecam and the more compliant smart doorbell companies to see if we can spot him."
"But sir, the things those cameras see can cause significant psychological damage to an unpaid intern!"
"I don't care."
I haven't posted about terrible television recently so let me say I'm in the midst of a #CSI (the original!) rewatch and it continues to be peak wonderful terrible television. I respect the drama on and off screen. It possibly damaged the criminal justice system/society irrevocably but it's also very stylish. And taught so many people the word allele.
Here's my old grad school colleague Dr. Petra Molnar who is a #crime scene investigator. One of her recent cases involves a man found dead in the underbrush next to an airport runway. He was apparently a stowaway migrant who fell from the wheel house of a passenger jet.
#crime #immigration #archaeology #csi
A quanto pare #Meta si sta facendo molto più intraprendente, utilizzando notifiche push per spingere gli utenti #instagram verso #threads Quale essa sia, dietro c’è una precisa strategia. So che molti tifano e sperano che questo sia il segnale della barca che affonda.
Per quanto mi riguarda "tutto va come va"(cit. #lindoferretti #csi)
#meta #instagram #threads #lindoferretti #csi
Gill:"Do you believe there is intelligent life on other planets?"
Sarah:"I'm not so sure there is intelligent life on thís planet" #CSI
Aotearoa New Zealand’s Coastal Archaeological Heritage - A Geostatistical Overview Of Threatened Sites
https://doi.org/10.1080/15564894.2023.2207493 <-- shared paper
#GIS #spatial #mapping #spatialanalysis #archaeology #newzealand #sealevelrise #sealevel #SLR #coast #coastal #Aotearoa #maori #history #midden #middens #settlements #pas #climatechange #erosion #innundation #coastalsensitivityindex #CSI #model #modeling #impacts #future #ArchSite #integrateddatasets #shoreline #massmovement #landslides #burial #burialsites #culture #cultural #firstnation #indigenous #earthworks #fortifications #coastalerosion #coastalarchaeology #remotesensing #referencedatasets #prediction #geostatistics #geostatistical #gischat #Heritage #ThreatenedSites
#gis #spatial #mapping #spatialanalysis #archaeology #newzealand #sealevelrise #sealevel #slr #coast #coastal #aotearoa #maori #history #midden #middens #settlements #pas #climatechange #erosion #innundation #coastalsensitivityindex #csi #model #modeling #impacts #future #archsite #integrateddatasets #shoreline #massmovement #landslides #burial #burialsites #culture #cultural #firstnation #indigenous #earthworks #Fortifications #coastalerosion #coastalarchaeology #remotesensing #referencedatasets #prediction #geostatistics #geostatistical #gischat #heritage #threatenedsites
If I drank every time they foreshadowed #CSI Speedle’s death he’d outlive me
Alright so I’m also in love with #CSI Horatio Caine but I’m especially loving his calming phrase, “Here’s what I want you to do.” Frames him and the victim as a team. Assures them they’re not alone. Gives them a tangible task to complete. “I want you to” vs “you need to” is undemanding and nonjudgmental.
okay I already adored Calleigh on #CSI Miami but when she throws her favourite comfort-read tabloid in the trash for outing a queer celebrity 🥺🥺🥺
I’m doing a chronological #CSI rewatch and I can’t believe it took two seasons for my incel-dar to kick in on Speedle
Heute neu: Staffel 2 von CSI: Vegas bei RTL+ und Paramount+ #CSIVegas #CSI #HeuteNeu #PlayByDay
#PlayByDay #HeuteNeu #csi #csivegas
🇫🇷🇪🇺 Droits des travailleurs : la France épinglée par la Confédération syndicale internationale 📰 https://www.election-politique.com/revuedepresse.php
#RevuedePresse #politique #international #France #greves #manifestations #ReformesDesRetraites #CSI
#revuedepresse #politique #international #france #greves #manifestations #reformesdesretraites #csi
We all love a good pun but pretending to be Horatio from CSI Miami and then signing the Who is very much frowned on in the lab
#cartoon #cartoons #comic #comics #instacomic #instacartoon
#academia #science #research
#errantscience #research #science #academia #instacartoon #instacomic #comics #comic #cartoons #cartoon #csi
We all love a good pun but pretending to be Horatio from CSI Miami and then signing the Who is very much frowned on in the lab #CSI
Global News BC: ‘Kelowna is not a national and provincial leader in crime rate’: RCMP Superintendent https://globalnews.ca/news/9783396/kelowna-crime-rate-rcmp-superintendent/ #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #Crimeseverityinkelowna #Kelownacrimecapital? #CentralOkanaganRCMP #StatisticsCanada #Supt.KaraTriance #centralokanagan #BreakAndEnter #PropertyCrime #KelownaCrime #KelownaRCMP #Crime #CSI
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #crimeseverityinkelowna #kelownacrimecapital #CentralOkanaganRCMP #StatisticsCanada #Supt #centralokanagan #BreakAndEnter #PropertyCrime #kelownacrime #KelownaRCMP #crime #csi
#RabbitHole on #ParamountPlus has a LOT of potential. 24 meets #CSI. Even though season one felt a little underbaked, fans of 24 will enjoy the return of #KieferSutherland.
#drama #thriller #series #review #reviews #paramount #showtime #NowStreaming
#rabbithole #paramountplus #csi #kiefersutherland #drama #thriller #series #review #reviews #paramount #showtime #nowstreaming
#ElliotPage #trans #csi #metoo #hollywood - #movies #film
“Elliot Page Reveals a Famous Actor Told Him Being Gay ‘Doesn’t Exist’ and Threatened: ‘I’m Going to F— You to Make You Realize You Aren’t Gay’”
#film #movies #hollywood #metoo #csi #trans #ElliotPage