I never gave my thoughts about the meeting with Scottish Water the other week.
That’s fine. I’ll add them to my thoughts after tonight’s ACM.
If you want more info check out: https://www.scottishwater.co.uk/in-your-area/acm/acm
You can watch it live on YouTube this evening as well, starts in little over an hour.
#sewerage #cso #scotland #scottishwater
OPINION: It's impossible to shift legacy IT vendor marketing and sales to adapt to being customer centered without a combined organization *leadership* transformation. Small tweaks the the current GTM model are not effective. https://bit.ly/47Kjkbs - #CRO #CSO #CMO #SaaS
A fish die off in the #GowanusCanal in #NYC I had not heard of before today's browsing through IG. Fortunately, I follow Gary Francis on IG.
#bunker #Menhaden #peanutBunker #CSO #CityOfWaterDay
#lowOxygen #capping
#capping #lowoxygen #cityofwaterday #cso #peanutbunker #Menhaden #bunker #nyc #gowanuscanal
Binance's top strategist departs company amid reported US exec resignations - Patrick Hillmann confirmed in a tweet that would be departing the... - https://cointelegraph.com/news/binance-cso-patrick-hillmann-departs-us-resignations-doj #chiefstrategyofficer #patrickhillmann #resignation #depart #quit #cso
#cso #quit #depart #resignation #patrickhillmann #chiefstrategyofficer
ai, hashtags 😅
#Girona #Gironés #Catalunya #Llibres #Firadellibre #TrobadadelLlibre
#Feriadellibro #Cultura #editorials #Libros #Anarquisme #GuerraCivil #TransicióEcosocial #Anarquismo #Anarquia #Traficates #DolorsMarin #Kronstadt #Rap #HipHop #colonialidad #colonialisme #colonialismo #AteneuSalvadoraCatà #CSO #KanKolmo #FilalAgulla #TeixirComunitats #Pollenedicions
#Zauria(k) #Feminismo #Feminisme
@viruseditorial @DescontrolEditorial@mastodont.cat @DescontrolEditorial @Traficantes_Ed
#feminisme #feminismo #zauria #pablocarmona #pollenedicions #teixircomunitats #filalagulla #kankolmo #cso #ateneusalvadoracata #colonialismo #colonialisme #colonialidad #hiphop #rap #kronstadt #dolorsmarin #traficates #anarquia #anarquismo #transicioecosocial #guerracivil #anarquisme #libros #Editorials #cultura #feriadellibro #trobadadelllibre #firadellibre #llibres #catalunya #girones #girona
Entro exits stealth with context-based secrets management https://csoonline.com/article/3696753/entro-exits-stealth-with-context-based-secrets-management.html#tk.rss_all #CSO
BrandPost: Effective #security relies on effective communication https://csoonline.com/article/3695848/effective-security-relies-on-effective-communication.html#tk.rss_all #CSO
Our part is done for the moment.
Looking forward to hearing what the councillors have to say on motion 8.4.
#sewage #waterofleith #cso #cityofedinburgh #edinburgh
Attending my first Edinburgh City Council meeting this morning.
As a resident of The Shore, with a keen interest in the environment around us, going in support of & interested in hearing the debate on motion 8.4 by Councillor Caldwell - Sewage in Edinburgh's Waterways.
More info can be found at this link: https://democracy.edinburgh.gov.uk/ieListDocuments.aspx?CId=150&MId=6475&Ver=4
Looking forward to commenting after the discussions.
#Edinburgh #Leith #WaterOfLeith #Sewerage #CSO #SEPA #ScottishWater
#scottishwater #sepa #cso #sewerage #waterofleith #leith #edinburgh
Ich freue mich sehr, dass unsere auf Google geschaltete Werbung für die Schulung und Zertifizierung zum EC-Council Certified SOC-Analyst (C|SA) besonders Damen in der Altersgruppe 65 + anspricht.
Moment ...
#cso #SOC #cybersecurity #cybersecuritytraining #wtf
New #DDoS amplification vector could enable massive attacks https://csoonline.com/article/3694650/new-ddos-amplification-vector-could-enable-massive-attacks.html#tk.rss_all #CSO
This gorgeous movement is part of Christopher Rouse’s Flute Concerto, which the #charlottesville Symphony Orchestra #CSO will be performing at UVA April 22nd. I’ll be on second trumpet! https://music.apple.com/us/album/flute-concerto-iii-elegia/1622451828?i=1622452430
What do Civil Society Organisations need to effectively contribute to #EU society and democracy?
How could a European research agenda on #CSO look like?
Join this free webinar on Friday, April 14.
All info on: https://www.scivil.be/event/civil-society-organisations-and-democracy-europe
Join us on March 8th as we present a webinar: This Shouldn't Be So Hard: Making Cybersecurity More Effective For Everyone.
Register: https://us06web.zoom.us/.../reg.../WN_jqrBVNcPQeujjNtruWMOyQ
In honor of International Women's Day we present some phenomenal women discussing how to make #cybersecurity less daunting and better understood.
Panelists; Jaya Baloo, Suzie Squier, Megan Stifel, and moderator J. Michael Daniel
Mention cybersecurity to most people and the reaction is rarely, “Oh, I understand what that’s about.” Instead, most people think of it as a mystic art, understood only by a few (nerdy) hacker-types (in hoodies). Yet, cybersecurity is now critical to almost every economic, social, and public safety function in society. As an industry and discipline, we need to make cybersecurity more accessible, easier to implement, and more explainable. We will always need highly skilled professionals with knowledge and skills few others possess, but just like first aid in the medical field or routine car maintenance in the automotive industry, we also need broad knowledge and action across almost everyone in society.
#cybersecurity, #infosecurity #cyber #CISO #CTO #infosec #cyberpolicy #infosec #cyber #cyberresearcher #CSO
#cybersecurity #infosecurity #cyber #ciso #cto #infosec #cyberpolicy #cyberresearcher #cso
Watching a talk at uni by Prof James Wilsdon. Got me thinking. How do we ensure scientific advisors to governments ensure they channel scientific consensus and not outlier studies? And sometimes policy has to be formed on volatile, early-stage science despite uncertainty.
#CPAS #ANU #ScientificAdvice #CSO #CSA #Uncertainty #Consensus #Science #Research
#cpas #anu #scientificadvice #cso #csa #uncertainty #consensus #science #research
Irish households €1,000 worse off due to inflation, despite a rise in the median annual household disposable income, according to the Central Statistics Office
#poverty #inflation #Ireland #CSO
#poverty #inflation #ireland #cso
Entry submissions for the 2023 John Hooper Statistical Poster Competition close at 𝟱𝗽𝗺, 𝗠𝗮𝗿𝗰𝗵 𝟯, 𝟮𝟬𝟮𝟯.
The John Hooper Statistical Poster Competition is one of Ireland's most prestigious and popular schools competitions.
The competition provides an outstanding opportunity for students across the island of Ireland to showcase their data analytical and interpretation skills.
Learn more 💻 : https://www.cso.ie/.../competitionsandawards/johnhooper/
#cso #csostats #johnhoopermedal #csoawards #csocompetitions
RT @rightsbeacon
Is your #CounterTrafficking organisation seeking Monitoring & Evaluation support?
We're relaunching a new toolkit with indicators & resources developed by the #CTIP community - https://winrock.indikit.net/
By @rightsbeacon @WinrockIntl
@USAIDAsia #EndTrafficking #MEL #CSO
#countertrafficking #ctip #endtrafficking #MEL #cso