Finally got Common Music running on my machine (Mac) for SBCL/incudine. Not sure about the performance (lot of consing - which may be fine), but goddam it's fun.
So far got it to generate realtime MIDI, lilypond and SuperCollider. CSound is next. I may never emerge from my room.
#CommonLisp #Lisp #Incudine #SuperCollider #CSound #livecoding
#commonlisp #lisp #Incudine #supercollider #csound #livecoding
New track, for Disquiet Junto 0607:
#composing #music #sound #csound #disquiet0607
For Disquiet Junto 0601
I threw a die in my bathtub and recorded the throws with an AT822 stereo microphone (through a Zoom H5) that I bought (used) years ago but had never used (I’m not really much of a microphone person). Then, using Csound, I placed copies of each recording across about 3.5 minutes, with various densities, filtering, playback speeds and amplitudes. The rolls determined for how much of the piece each recording appears: the rolls were 3,5,6,5,6,3, so the 6 rolls appear throughout, the 5’s appear up to 5/6 of the piece and the 3’s cut off at the half-way point.
#music #sound #audio #dice #csound #disquiet0601
Trying a new approach to using recursion for composing. Here, each sound event triggers up to two additional sound events, each a function of the triggering event.
#recursion #composing #audio #music #csound
Trying a new approach to using recursion for composing. Here, each sound event triggers up to two additional sound events, each a function of the triggering event.
<iframe width="100%" height="166" scrolling="no" frameborder="no" allow="autoplay" src=""></iframe><div style="font-size: 10px; color: #cccccc;line-break: anywhere;word-break: normal;overflow: hidden;white-space: nowrap;text-overflow: ellipsis; font-family: Interstate,Lucida Grande,Lucida Sans Unicode,Lucida Sans,Garuda,Verdana,Tahoma,sans-serif;font-weight: 100;"><a href="" title="Matthew M. Conroy" target="_blank" style="color: #cccccc; text-decoration: none;">Matthew M. Conroy</a> · <a href="" title="new recursion 1" target="_blank" style="color: #cccccc; text-decoration: none;">new recursion 1</a></div>
#recursion #audio #sound #music #csound #cccccc
@madskjeldgaard wow that's ruddy real. I've used #csound before - mainly for manipulating mono sounds into virtual-surround-space using the built in HRTF functions and delay lines. I was looking for something less 'clunky', & hoping puredata would be up my street - but I've not been able to get my head round it as yet. I'll check out Faust soon. Check on #ComposersDesktopProject. But last time I used that (Atari Falcon 030) it was an expensive package of discrete terminal apps, by T. Wishart.
#csound #composersdesktopproject
Playing around with an idea by MARCVSMCMLXXIII. using #csound opcodes include 3xvco2 with square waves, gausstrig, moogvcf2 for filtering
#experimentalmusic #soundart
#csound #experimentalmusic #soundart
I made another VCV Rack video, this time a demo of my Risset Harmonic Oscillator instrument (written in Csound). #vcvrack #csound
Guess I should do my #introduction post.
I live in Adelaide (Tarntanya), South Australia.
Interests include #photography, including #PanoramicPhotography, #art in general but particularly #modernist . Also #wine since I live close to so many wonderful wine regions.
Love #scifi, especially #DrWho and #StarTrek. Have been known to Idabble with #CreativeCoding, mostly in #Processing, but have also working in #Csound and #Max/MSP. So you could add #ElectronicMusic to this list.
I am #trans but not entirely out yet for various reasons. Love #PrincessHighway clothes. So sweet. Also here for some #auspol. I have a couple of casual jobs. One is technical, the other is not. I will be studying for my diploma in #graphicdesign this year and I hope to make this my job next year.
#introduction #photography #panoramicphotography #art #modernist #wine #scifi #drwho #startrek #creativecoding #processing #csound #max #trans #auspol #graphicdesign #electronicmusic #princesshighway
Recently I've come across the concept of #livecoding which is on one hand creating music, compositions, sound engineering etc with code, much like you'd write code for any other purpose. It's possible to make changes to your code in real time, to drop in melodies, introduce the drum track and so on. Wow!
I never knew this stuff existed, my life has changed lol!!!
So far have been looking at #puredata #supercollider #sonicpi and #csound
I'm going to explore and share my experiences here.
#livecoding #puredata #supercollider #sonicpi #csound
@nicklewis I love #PureData -- and #Csound! Lately I've been using #ChucK command line stuff, too. So many incredible DSP options today, it's literally Shangri-la.
@yougenius Rendering granular synthesis overnight... Was #CSound available for pre-OSX Macs? Because it does sound like CSound. @synths
Any #electronicmusic folks out there using #SCAMP? I stumbled into it with that Primes Rhythm video and its just-posted Making Of episode. I'd been happily beeping along fine with oldschool #csound until last spring when #supercollider #sclang caught my attention, and now, thanks to Google Discover, up pops this:
#electronicmusic #scamp #csound #supercollider #sclang