@vwbusguy @gbhnews @mem_somerville our school is regional and includes three campuses in three universities so we constantly consider how to make them ONE School. By that I mean that the argument might be different for a school vs a University system. Happy to post about it though. If it works I'll try to use the hashtags #CSPH or #CSPHstodon
If you're trying to sell this product please share your methods and results!
#Collaborate #Collaboratestodon
#csph #csphstodon #collaborate #collaboratestodon
@jon I'm working on it, jeez, give me a second! #ColoradoSchoolOfPublicHealth we need an instance for .students and .faculty and it will happen!
#publichealth #CSPH #ASPPH
#coloradoschoolofpublichealth #publichealth #csph #aspph