I guess that if the only thing I log into in my mobile browser is my feed reader, I don't have too much to fear there about #XSS or #CSRF. Nobody is going to attack it, because there's no value in it. And it can't be used to steal anything else, because there isn't anything else.
Sending POST data to a Django view via AJAX to a REST endpoint - https://anjane.sh/csrf - #django #python #javascript #csrf #rest
#django #python #javascript #csrf #rest
I am assuming Linus Tech Tips youtube hack was CSRF:
So Linus says one of the staff's session token was hijacked via dodgy email, I think this is classic CSRF.
However he mentions session token.
I am wondering what is the difference between session token & an access token, because in this case logically they are the same.
If so it seems http only cookies are not that secure, what is the alternative then?
#linustechtips #csrf #cookies #youtube
Dear #InfoSec community. If my app doesn't use cookies, then am i right in understanding that it is not susceptible to #CSRF attacks? Authorization would be done through a Authorization header with a token stored in the clients session and/or local storage
And if it did have a cookie, then would a SameSite=Strict mitigate this?
Cross-Site Request Forgery is an attack vector in which the victim is lured to click on a malicious link attempting a fraudulent operation on that sensitive site. Ted Byerly shows How To Protect Your Applications from #CSRF with F5 Distributed Cloud https://community.f5.com/t5/technical-articles/how-to-protect-your-applications-from-cross-site-request-forgery/ta-p/309117
"These sort of browser security mechanisms (i.e., SameSite cookies, Fetch metadata) are meant to be defense-in-depth only." < They cannot be serious, SameSite is _the_ solution to #CSRF.
It's important to understand #CrossSiteRequestForgery (#CSRF) and how to prevent it. It's a sneaky attack that can be used maliciously to steal data. #CyberSecurity #CyberAwareness #SecurityAwareness
#crosssiterequestforgery #csrf #cybersecurity #cyberawareness #securityawareness
#csrf is like when someone else gets a hold of your account and starts doing stuff without your knowledge, like buying stuff online or changing your password.
#Hacking #CyberSec #cybersecuritytips #pentest #Pentesting #infosecurity #infosec
#csrf #hacking #cybersec #cybersecuritytips #pentest #pentesting #infosecurity #infosec
🪲 Interesting article on CSRF attack that bypasses CSRF defence
▶️ Practical Example Of Client Side Path Manipulation - post by @aroly
#csrf #appsec #bugbounty #bugbountytips #redteam #infosec
Golang CSRF Defense in Practice:
#golangtips #golang #csrf #websecurity
Am I misunderstanding Firefox's state partitioning (https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Privacy/State_Partitioning)?
It seems like it would make CSRF tokens obsolete? But everybody is still talking about the SameSite attribute against CSRF?
Before reporting #SSRF, try turning it into an RCE
#Self-XSS? try making an #exploit chain with #clickjacking
#bugbountytip #ssrf #self #exploit #clickjacking #xss #csrf
I'm excited to share of my work that came out today! Specifically, a handful of vulnerabilities in #F5 #BIGIP devices that I worked on through the summer, and worked with the vendor to get patched (F5 was awesome to work with, btw!).
I wrote a super detailed #blog post, and also wrote a full PoC. #Metasploit modules (both for the exploits and some post-exploitation data-gathering) are incoming as well!
The most important of the issues is #RCE via a #CSRF vulnerability in the #SOAP interface (#CVE_2022_41622), which is pretty cool (though requires a confluence of conditions to actually matter). I also had to bypass #SELinux to actually exploit this on the path I chose, which is kinda cool.
The other is authenticated RCE, to which they assigned #CVE_2022_41800, though even I, the person who found it, doesn't really think it's a big deal. It's a nice way to get a #Meterpreter session on your test box, at least?
I also published a bunch of my #tools for analyzing F5, including scripts to build, parse, and #MitM requests to their proprietary (I think?) database protocol (these require a valid login to use, but there's no user separation so there's a bit of #LPE).
I'll also be speaking about this research in much more detail (as much as I can in 45 minutes :) ) in my #HushCon talk on Dec 2!
#f5 #BIGIP #blog #metasploit #rce #csrf #soap #cve_2022_41622 #selinux #cve_2022_41800 #meterpreter #tools #mitm #LPE #Hushcon
Has anybody written a #Metasploit module to exploit a #CSRF vulnerability?
I need to make one, but there are considerations: do I display some sorta user-provided template? Do I submit the form with JavaScript? Do I try to be sneaky?
#infosec #csrf #webdevelopment #securesoftwaredevelopment #netbeans #informationsecurity #secdevops
Black Hat USA 2020: Critical Meetup.com Flaws Reveal Common AppSec Holes - With Black Hat USA 2020 kicking off this week, Erez Yalon with Checkmarx talks about newly disclos... https://threatpost.com/black-hat-usa-2020-critical-meetup-com-flaws-reveal-common-appsec-holes/157950/ #newsmakerinterviews #applicationsecurity #crosssitescripting #blackhatusa2020 #vulnerability #criticalflaw #websecurity #blackhat #webflaw #videos #appsec #meetup #patch #csrf #xss
#xss #csrf #patch #meetup #appsec #videos #webflaw #blackhat #websecurity #criticalflaw #vulnerability #blackhatusa2020 #crosssitescripting #applicationsecurity #newsmakerinterviews