more cabal signalling in their official media outlets...
they will need a "Black swan" event to usher in CSRQ & USDR (rapid economic collapse, WWIII, pandemic) and it is being decided upon now.
#wef #GreatReset #reset #CBDCs #cbdc #usdr #csrq
the cabal frequently "signals" future events that portend to the very events that they are orchestrating and planning (CSRQ/USDR).
#greatreset #cbdc #usdr #csrq #digitalid #biometricid #reset #elon #xapp #CBDCs
#CBDCs #xapp #elon #reset #biometricid #Digitalid #csrq #usdr #cbdc #GreatReset
CSRQ test being deployed in Ukraine:
#csrq #usdr #greatreset #digitalid #foodvaccines #elonmusk #biometricid #agenda2030
#agenda2030 #biometricid #ElonMusk #foodvaccines #Digitalid #GreatReset #usdr #csrq
intel drop #29 is up:
#cbdcs #vaccines #mrna #cbdc #digitalID #agenda2030 #reset #digitaldollar #usdr #elon #elonmusk #csrq #wefpuppets #wef #GreatReset
#GreatReset #wef #WEFpuppets #csrq #ElonMusk #elon #usdr #DigitalDollar #reset #agenda2030 #Digitalid #cbdc #mRNA #vaccines #CBDCs
they're signalling their next steps...
they need a "black swan event" & "'Shock' needed for New World Order Transformation"
#cbdcs #vaccines #mrna #cbdc #digitalID #agenda2030 #reset #digitaldollar #usdr #elon #elonmusk #csrq #greatreset #WEF #wef23
#wef23 #wef #GreatReset #csrq #ElonMusk #elon #usdr #DigitalDollar #reset #agenda2030 #Digitalid #cbdc #mRNA #vaccines #CBDCs
"the new internet will only be accessible to those with biometric digital ID."
our Sovereigns will understand the significance of this. yet another confirmation.
#cbdcs #vaccines #mrna #cbdc #digitalID #agenda2030 #reset #digitaldollar #usdr #elon #elonmusk #csrq
#csrq #ElonMusk #elon #usdr #DigitalDollar #reset #agenda2030 #Digitalid #cbdc #mRNA #vaccines #CBDCs
this is an incredible confirmation of what the whistle blowers have reported is going on internally.
the cabal is slowing "leaking" the plan, little by little.
learn about CSRQ & USDR here:
#GreatReset #wef #csrq #usdr #CBDCs #Digitalid #cbdc
you boil the frog slowly.
$10-20k will soon be $1k in USDR, issued once per month, must be spent, can't own more than that for Common/Restricted/Quarantined classes, CSRQ social status must be in good standing, etc.
#DigitalDollar #financialreset #cbdc #csrqsm #usdr #csrq
intel drop #28 is up:
#cbdcs #vaccines #mrna #cbdc #digitalID #agenda2030 #reset #digitaldollar #usdr #elon #elonmusk #csrq
#csrq #ElonMusk #elon #usdr #DigitalDollar #reset #agenda2030 #Digitalid #cbdc #mRNA #vaccines #CBDCs
we exposed Jordan Peterson's Sovereign account in CSRQ six months ago (
now he wants to create an "alternative" WEF run by Israelis he calls an "invitation to the future."
yet another confirmation.
#csrq #klausschwab #wef #JoeRogan #jordanpeterson
this is what the cabal & WEF are planning right now:
- enslavement via social score (CSRQ)
- class system (Common, Restricted, Quarantined, Sovereign)
- digital money (USDR), elimination of cash
- nano crystal vaccines in the food supply & a safe list only for Sovereigns.
there is no "Quantum Financial System (QFS)" or "Galactic Federation Banking System".
these are cabal-created psy-ops, pushing the idea of a "good" one world digital currency (there's no such thing as a "good" one world currency).
#agenda21 #qanon #GreatReset #usdr #csrq #QFS
intel drop #27 is up:
#cbdcs #vaccines #mrna #cbdc #digitalID #agenda2030 #reset #digitaldollar #usdr #elon #elonmusk #csrq
#csrq #ElonMusk #elon #usdr #DigitalDollar #reset #agenda2030 #Digitalid #cbdc #mRNA #vaccines #CBDCs
interesting post i wanted to share ( this person's not in our group and i don't think they know about us or even read the most recent Intel Drop. i call these "confirmations".
have a look at what they're warning about...
#usdr #csrq #nanohydra #vaccines
there will be a list of foods that are safe and free from the nano vaccine crystals, and the cabal is *not* planning on making that list public.
people need to wake up, because this is coming very soon.
#usdr #BillGates #vaccines #cbdc #csrq
intel drop #26 is up:
#cbdcs #financialreset #cbdc #csrqsm #digitalID #agenda2030 #reset #digitaldollar #usdr #elon #elonmusk #csrq
#csrq #ElonMusk #elon #usdr #DigitalDollar #reset #agenda2030 #Digitalid #csrqsm #cbdc #financialreset #CBDCs
we already have a one world banking system, Swift & BIS.
but it's old and outdated.
soon we will have a new one, CSRQ & USDR, social credit scoring and total control of your money. their end game is total enslavement.
Medvedev describes CSRQ / USDR in his final prediction
#CBDCs #cbdc #GreatReset #usdr #csrq
they will converge, collapse, and ultimately be eliminated in favor of $USDR, the one world digital currency integrated with a social credit system, CSRQ.
#klausschwab #endgame #cbdc #GreatReset #usdr #csrq