RT @hj_chen@twitter.com
I didn't expect the #cssconfeu video to be up so early 😬
if u're interested in watching half an hour of browser-resizing, and listening to me speak at 2x speed abt content-based sizing, flexbox and variable sizing for layouts…😅
#css #layouts #flexbox https://twitter.com/CSSconfeu/status/1136593446364467200
#cssconfeu #css #layouts #flexbox
PSA: it would be worth going to CSScamp for @jpamental@twitter.com’s talk alone: in one of the stand-out presentations of #CSSconfEU he blew minds with a vision for the future of fonts on the web that went beyond great typography to address performance and accessibility.
So, so good 😊
RT @csscamp@twitter.com
If you are a front-end developer don't miss @jpamental@twitter.com#CSSCamp Barcelona on July 17th:
► Dynamic Typographic Systems…
I made it to @CSSconfeu@twitter.com/@jsconfeu@twitter.com. Catch me round the @twilio@twitter.com booth!
RT @DKundel@twitter.com
If you miss @@CSSconfeu@twitter.coms@jsconfeu@twitter.comwe do, we made sure h@twilio@twitter.comically here at the @twilio booth 😊
#cssconfeu #jsconfeu
Interestingly, this looks like the UI I imagined presenting to users with dyslexia to improve readability on a site.
Oh man, check out the variable fonts editor in @FirefoxNightly!!! #applause @razvancaliman #cssconfeu
A non-CSS (sorry 🤷♀️) solution to simulate different kinds of low vision is the ChromeLens extension: @cssconfeu@twitter.com #CSSconfEU https://twitter.com/stubbornella/status/1002527951840301056
RT @stubbornella@twitter.com Learning to “see” different kinds of low vision from @shwetank@twitter.com’s tool @CSSconfeu@twitter.com
*Brilliant* piece on theming with CSS Variables & colouring SVG icons (challenging if not inlined). Even static images get the treatment with impressively clever use of hue-rotation & filter
Worthy precursor to the @MikeRiethmuller@twitter.com #CSSConfEU talk I’m impatiently waiting for! 😎
Recently, I worked on implementing a dark theme in a web app. I used a bunch of new-ish CSS things (variables, masks, filters) to put it all togeth…