RT @mchambru@twitter.com
⁉️ Pourquoi, en tant qu'enseignant-chercheur @UGrenobleAlpes@twitter.com, je me suis lancé depuis quelques mois sur #Twitch avec @cherch_montagne@twitter.com pour faire de la méditation scientifique
#twitch #dialoguesrs #saps #csti #shs
#M3AAWG comments on the FTC's proposed rule Trade Regulation Rule on Impersonation of Government and Businesses is available. I was one of the contributors to the comment.
In the comment, M3AAWG "suggests additional regulatory solutions and best practices to complement the goals of this rule, such as clarifying the scope of the rule to include the use of domain names in impersonation schemes and the use of technologies that enable impersonation" and the important role that Whois plays in investigating impersonation and fraud.
Several reports that my Interisle colleagues and I published are cited in the comment, along with the 2022 DNS Abuse Study Commissioned by the European Commission, which also quotes from our #phishing studies. Statistics generated from data collected at our Cybercrime Information Center project, https://cybercrimeinfocenter.org are cited as well.
The #APWG and Coalition for a Secure and Transparent Internet (#CSTI) also submitted comments with similar observations and support for regulation. I'll share those links when I receive them.
#infosec can effect change
Proposed Rule: https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2022/10/17/2022-21289/trade-regulation-rule-on-impersonation-of-government-and-businesses#open-comment
Comment: https://www.m3aawg.org/sites/default/files/m3aawg_ftc_comments_on_impersonation_-_dec_2022.docx_.pdf
#m3aawg #phishing #apwg #csti #infosec
#M3AAWG comments on the FTC's proposed rule Trade Regulation Rule on Impersonation of Government and Businesses is available. I was one of the contributors to the comment.
In the comment, M3AAWG "suggests additional regulatory solutions and best practices to complement the goals of this rule, such as clarifying the scope of the rule to include the use of domain names in impersonation schemes and the use of technologies that enable impersonation" and the important role that Whois plays in investigating impersonation and fraud.
Several reports that my Interisle colleagues and I published are cited in the comment, along with the 2022 DNS Abuse Study Commissioned by the European Commission, which also quotes from our #phishing studies. Statistics generated from data collected at our Cybercrime Information Center project, https://cybercrimeinfocenter.org are cited as well.
The #APWG and Coalition for a Secure and Transparent Internet (#CSTI) also submitted comments with similar observations and support for regulation. I'll share those links when I receive them.
#infosec can effect change
Proposed Rule: https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2022/10/17/2022-21289/trade-regulation-rule-on-impersonation-of-government-and-businesses#open-comment
Comment: https://www.m3aawg.org/sites/default/files/m3aawg_ftc_comments_on_impersonation_-_dec_2022.docx_.pdf
#m3aawg #phishing #apwg #csti #infosec
@SciTania Ptêtre que #CSTI (ou #scicom ou #vulga) est plus naturel et sera plus à même à être utilisé « par hasard » même par celles et ceux n'ayant pas le mémo ?
Avec la fonctionnalité d'abonnement à des hashtags de Mastodon v4, y'a moyen de tous les suivre dans un premier temps, au pire
RT @AuroreValex@twitter.com
Je quitte la MCS de l'uB (😢) et je suis à la recherche de nouvelles opportunités dans la région lyonnaise.
Particulièrement intéressée par des projets de #CSTI au plus près de la recherche, je suis preneuse de tous vos conseils / mises en relation / opportunités 🙏
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/AuroreValex/status/1534146165184335873
RT @mchambru@twitter.com
🗣️ Voici le programme du séminaire @UGrenobleAlpes@twitter.com "Enjeux et perspectives de la culture scientifique" #EPCSgre - édition 2022
🗓️ 3 séaces : 8, 22 et 29 mars
〽️ Avec @CultureUGA@twitter.com @MSH_A@twitter.com @CcstMaster@twitter.com @GRESEC1@twitter.com
#EPCSgre #csti #saps #ComSc #shs
C'est tentant. Très tentant.
RT @Fuzzyraptor@twitter.com
Séminaire "Science, fiction, médiation"
🎓@MSH_A@twitter.com, @GRESEC1@twitter.com, @CcstMaster@twitter.com, #OriginOfLife
💻Programme 2021 : https://sfm.hypotheses.org/
🗓️Première séance le 16 mars
#⃣A suivre en direct sur Youtube & via #SFMgre
📢N'hésitez pas à faire circuler l'info !
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Fuzzyraptor/status/1367045834068656130
#csti #sciencefiction #CSTgre #SFMgre #⃣A #originoflife
RT @MarionWesely@twitter.com
Du coup, je suis à la recherche d'un poste en communication scientifique /animation de communautés, plutôt dans l'#ESR ou la #CSTI !
J'aimerais bien retourner en Bretagne, mais je suis aussi ouverte aux opportunités partout ailleurs :)
#scicomm #ComESR
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/MarionWesely/status/1272809738703712256
RT @cle_perronnet@twitter.com
⚠️ Fil critique #CSTI
L'accès aux sciences intéresse beaucoup en ce moment et de nombreuses institutions posent la question des inégalités en sciences et techniques – comment les comprendre/les réduire ?
Mais il y a des réponses qu’elles n’ont pas du tout envie d’entendre…
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/cle_perronnet/status/1261310734731968517