Thanks to Rose Peruski
and Nikki Volpenhein from Kroger, a USA supermarket chain, for discussing training at #CSUNATC2023.
They described setting up 15 minute "Snack Talks" to deliver focused training to designers at Kroger. These fun sessions complement more formal training courses, and can be a benefit for folks who learn in different ways.
One session they had everyone write #AltText for the same image, then compare to see what each person found important.
Computers used to be so easy. The screen would give you a menu of options; you picked one using the keyboard. But then graphical interfaces came along and made things more complicated, especially for screen reader users.
What if any modern e-commerce website could be accessed using a simple menu interface? This is the dream of researcher David Cane.
Read the @NVAccess team's writeup of this intriguing session at #CSUNATC2023:
#userinterfaces #assistivetechnology #a11y #csunatc2023
At his presentation on ARIA at CSUN, Mark Steadman of Fidelity Investments mentioned that he's seeing an increase in websites using a <div> tag with the ContentEditable attribute, when an <input> or <TextArea> tag would do.
#csunatc2023 #a11y #semanticHTML #html
Are you coming to #CSUNATC23? It's on in just over two weeks in Anaheim, California! NV Access will be there, sharing the latest news and info about your favourite #foss screen reader, NVDA! If you're going, we'd love to see you there! Please drop us a line if you'd like to organise a time to meet. #NVDA #NVDAsr #conference #screenreader #csun #csunatc #csunatc2023
#csunatc23 #foss #nvda #nvdasr #conference #screenreader #csun #CSUNATC #csunatc2023