Graduation 🎓 Countdown
28 days!!!
#MSW #SocialWork #SocialWorkers #CSW #Graduation #Classof2023 #momademia #academicchatter
#MsW #SocialWork #socialworkers #csw #graduation #classof2023 #Momademia #academicchatter
RT @WILPF: That's a wrap on #CSW67! Two weeks of insightful discussions, enlightening side events, and priceless interactions with women & girls from all over the world...
Stay tuned for the recordings of #WILPF's events, and more insights & conclusions from this year's #CSW.
#CSW67 #WILPF #csw #WILPFatCSW67
🌼🌱 Spring 🌱🌼 is hinting it's on its way. ⛅ Feels good to get fresh air, move and look forward to new seasons. Feeling grateful for the opportunity following graduation and yes I've started counting down: 1 month & 17 days. 🥳
#Spring #move #ClassOf2023 #MSW #CSW
#spring #move #classof2023 #MsW #csw
RT @pnudfr
La #JournéeDesFemmes est l'occasion de réinventer un🌍où l'innovation et la technologie sont mobilisées pour transformer nos sociétés et nos économies vers un partage plus équitable des ressources et du pouvoir.
Lire la déclaration de @ASteiner :
RT @EUYouthDelegate: We need free and quality education to ensure gender equality both online and offline💪🏻
This is one of the two EU Youth Delegates @nadia_g_c and @LKarnelutti’s messages at #CSW
Thank you so much to @StellaRonner for meeting up with us and discussing how CSW can ensure equality🇪🇺
Representing #WomenWithDisabilities in preparation of the Dutch #CSW delegation in March!
Gevonden (op een microblog dat wel een goede zoekfunctie heeft, kuch). India, Indonesië, en een trits Afrikaanse landen. #csw
Gevonden (op een microblog dat wel een goede zoekfunctie heeft, kuch). India, Indonesië, en een trits Afrikaanse landen. #csw
Iran was just removed from the #CSW in response to violent crackdowns against protests demanding freedom from violence & discrimination.
Women's rights are human rights.
Full statement:
"The poisonous rot of bias and hypocrisy has seeped into the roots of this institution...the moral bankruptcy in these halls never ceases to amaze me." 🇮🇱 #CSW
#introduction My name is Jen, and I'm an avid #wine student in the Washington, DC, area! Earned my #CSW in 2020, and been diving more deeply into wine connections as I work on my #CWE & #WSET. Other interests include #food #cooking #europe #music #recoveringrunner #cats
#introduction #wine #csw #cwe #wset #food #cooking #europe #music #recoveringrunner #cats
A spark of common sense in this 🤡🌎
So happy for you. Well done!
#WeAreAllHodlonaut #faketoshi #csw #scammer #Bitcoin
RT @Hodlonaut
I won. Welcome to law.
#bitcoin #scammer #csw #faketoshi #weareallhodlonaut
RT @DrWrightQuotes: #BSV #CSW #Bitcoin #BitcoinSV #CraigWright #CraigIsSatoshi
#BSV #CSW #Bitcoin #BitcoinSV #CraigWright #CraigIsSatoshi
Posted: Mon Sep 19 12:45:37 0000 2022
Likes: 0
Retweets: 3
#craigissatoshi #craigwright #bitcoinsv #bitcoin #csw #bsv
Excellent to be in the #csw meeting with Baroness Williams. Wales well represented with Jane asking about involvement of devolved administrations.
RT @orweinberger
I made this really cool website to indicate whether Craig Wright signed a transaction using any private keys associated with Satoshi Nakamoto. BTW, it's completely static and not subject to change, ever.
RT @orweinberger
I made this really cool website to indicate whether Craig Wright signed a transaction using any private keys associated with Satoshi Nakamoto. BTW, it's completely static and not subject to change, ever.
Just checked.
The answer is . . .
RT @orweinberger
I made this really cool website to indicate whether Craig Wright signed a transaction using any private keys associated with Satoshi Nakamoto. BTW, it's completely static and not subject to change, ever.
#bitcoin #bsv #CSW
/cc @MyLegacyKit
Klage gegen Apple auf Rauswurf von Telegram
Nachdem Trump von Twitter verbannt worden ist, Parler durch den Rauswurf aus der Amazoncloud (AWS) die Geschäftsgrundlage entzogen wurde, klagen Aktivisten der Gruppe „Coalition for a Safer Web (CSW)“ gegen Apple und bereiten eine Klage gegen Google vor um die Entfernung der Messanger-App Telegram, die erst kürzlich einen […]
#Gesellschaft #USA #Aktivismus #Apple #CoalitionforaSaferWeb #CSW #Google #Telegram #WhatsApp
#telegram #gesellschaft #usa #aktivismus #CoalitionforaSaferWeb #google #whatsapp #apple #csw