My spouse didn't understand.
I wasn't concerned that my father might have been a spy (he wasn't) after going through his analog 35mm film slides of going all over the world for the USDA, meeting government officials.
No, it was because after all the stories I've enjoyed in comic books and movies and books--it had never occurred to me.
How did I *not* have that as a suspicion growing up?
And why did it take until today to even think about it?
Kept waking up Spouse with my expelling heat from yesterday's bicycling for transportation in the 40.5 C. So she made me get and take a cold shower. I didn't feel any different, but she was able to sleep.
Not happy about our 17 year old cat getting older. He senses light but his eye tracking movement is going. Been my buddy for a long time. I hope he lives his best cat life to the fullest, with the best quality of life without pain. He's taken very good care of us.
#ql_zoology_cats #ct_biography
Really weird how "It's a small world" keeps showing up in my life over the years.
Like my wife's current hairdresser years ago worked at the "Tiger King" place. And left when he saw some bad treatment of people.
Came across a 35mm slide my father took of me and my friends when I was 11.
"Stand by me" and "It" films and TV show "Stranger Things" got our friendship dynamics down. We never dealt with hoodlums or monsters, thankfully. Just talked about the Universal movie monsters. And we, truly, at that time, had each other's backs.
The tomboy girl of our group's dad had a projector. Ran silent modified films. "The Mummy" and "Frankenstein" were favorites.
#pn_film #Movies #nostalgia #ct_biography