Using an #LSP server in #neovim for working with #Moodle has accelerated my workflow, but from time to time jumping to certain function declarations fails while still pushing one CPU core to 100 percent.
Maybe #phpactor is unfit for Moodle’s codebase? It also gives many false errors.
I might try #phan or #psalm instead, or even just use #ctags again.
#LSP #neovim #moodle #phpactor #Phan #Psalm #ctags #php #nvim #webdev
@kaz_yos Sorted this out. The solution is a combination of installing the exuberant-ctags #Debian package and a package for #ctags in #JuliaLang. The command I then use is
ctags-exuberant -R -e --options=.../julia-ctags/ctags --totals=yes somefolder
I’ve been using #ctags with #ledger for a couple months now. It’s been a complete game changer to update my journal with fast completions and code navigation. It works out of the box with my editor of choice #neovim/#vim and also with other editors, sometimes with a plugin (#emacs, #vscode…).
I’m now sharing the ctags configuration, as this could benefit others:
Please let me know if you have issues or if some things are unclear!
🏦 #plaintextaccounting #ledgercli
#ctags #ledger #neovim #emacs #vscode #plaintextaccounting #ledgercli
Wanted to run ctags not only on my current Go projectybut also on all its dependencies. Ended up doing:
go list -deps -f '{{range $file := .GoFiles}}{{printf "%s/%s\n" $.Dir $file}}{{end}}' \
| ctags --tag-relative=yes -L - -f"$$.tags" --languages=go
#ssh #weechat #firefox #torbrowser #umatrix #ublockorigin #cookieautodelete #gnome #gnucash #keepassxc #keepassdx #slrn #serendipity #piwigo #nextcloud #keybase #jami #jitsi #osmand #öffi #Transprtr #freeotp #taskwarrior #timewarrior #blokada #fdroid #fedilab #k9mail #maps #liferea #mastodon #matrix #riot #gajim #conversations #evolution #davx #mupdf #newpipe #scrambledexif #AllThatDontFitAnymore #ilovefs #libreoffice #vim #mutt #gnupg #tmux #gcc #gdb #clang #git #ctags #idutils