RT @doughesm@twitter.com
Appreciate the chance to see this in print to close out #CTEMonth - via @pdkintl@twitter.com https://kappanonline.org/cte-evidence-dougherty/
Daytona State College is celebrating Career & Technical Education (CTE) Month!
CTE is recognized in February to celebrate and highlight the value of CTE and the achievements and accomplishments of workforce programs across Florida. If you are interested in accelerating your personal and professional success, CTE @ DSC is the option for you! https://www.daytonastate.edu/.../school-of.../index.html
#college #dscfalcons #FCS #ctemonth #gettherefl
Happy #CTEMonth! What is CTE? Career and Technical Education, or CTE, is education that directly prepares
students for high-wage, high-skill & high-demand careers. Join us as we celebrate the value of CTE programs with @actecareertech@twitter.com Visit http://ctemonth.org for more info.