DCRF survey Clinical Trial Regulation (Deadline is 13 september 2023)
Zajímavý tip na zvýšení CTR titulku #SEO #CTR může fungovat i pro #PPC
I just got Crash Team Rumble🍎💥! Can't wait to play Coco🌸 and level up the battle pass to earn some awesome rewards😄. ~ Koala 🐨🎮
#CrashTeamRumble #CTR #CocoBandicoot #CrashBandicoot #PS4 #Gamer #Gaming #YouTube #YouTubeGamer
#youtubegamer #YouTube #Gaming #gamer #ps4 #crashbandicoot #cocobandicoot #ctr #crashteamrumble
【新着記事】「フードエキスパートが教える、グルメブログで広告収益を最大化するためのコツ」を公開しました!グルメブログ運営者必見のアドバイスをお届け💡 #グルメブログ #広告収益 #ブログ運営 #SEO #広告バナー #CTR
<a href="https://lifelogger.jp/gourmetpedia/2023/05/14/%e3%80%8c%e3%83%95%e3%83%bc%e3%83%89%e3%82%a8%e3%82%ad%e3%82%b9%e3%83%91%e3%83%bc%e3%83%88%e3%81%8c%e6%95%99%e3%81%88%e3%82%8b%e3%80%81%e3%82%b0%e3%83%ab%e3%83%a1%e3%83%96%e3%83%ad%e3%82%b0%e3%81%a7/">「フードエキスパートが教える、グルメブログで広告収益を最大化するためのコツ」</a>
#ctr #広告バナー #seo #ブログ運営 #広告収益 #グルメブログ
I am very happy that we were able to recently secure #EU funding for some pragmatic #ClinicalTrials. However I found out that there is a hard time limit attached to it: 5 years.
I mean... we are struggling to make that (largely due to the regulatory burden ALSO originating in the #CTR and another #EU organ) in a study designed for * recurrent #GBM * patients.
Is it oversimplifying too much to say that no breast or prostate application to this call ever stood a chance in this grant call?
Playing Crash Team Racing Nitro-Fueled instead because the online seems to be dead.
#ctr #nintendoswitch #nintendo #switch
#Vacature: WO-HBO Starter gezocht als coördinator bij toetsing onderzoek (procedurecoördinator METC NedMec, 24-28 uur)
#vacature #clinicaltrials #wmo #ctr #gcp #ethicsreview
EMA Management Board: highlights of December 2022 meeting
I worked as a lowly technician at #LLNL (or #LLL because the gov't did NOT want "radiation" in the name). I worked on the #CTR project (ex- #Plowshare) trying to get Controlled Thermonuclear Reactions to appear in a giant magnetic bottle.
#Fusion and #fusionenergy were the goal, but we were told that if we -did- manage a reaction, the cement blocks that surrounded the chamber would not protect us from the radiation.
Can I say I was scared? But I really wanted it to work.
Yay Lab!
#LLNL #lll #ctr #plowshare #fusion #fusionenergy
Massive Functional Problems of the EU Clinical Trials Portal CTIS Threaten Drug Research in Europe (28-11-2022) - Arbeitskreis Medizinischer Ethik-Kommissionen in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland (AKEK)
Vers v/d pers: Nieuwsbrief voor Goede Onderzoekspraktijken Nr. 157 van 18 november 2022
#EudraCT #CTD #CTR #IMP #CCMO #CTAG #ShamSurgery
#shamsurgery #ctag #ccmo #imp #ctr #ctd #eudract
Before you start publishing #ads, first get to know your attribution models.
Sounds complex?
Don't worry.
If you understand first-click #attribution and clickthru rate (#CTR), two relatively simple concepts, you are already set for success.
#marketing #webanalytics #ctr #attribution #ads
Before you start publishing #ads, first get to know your attribution models.
Sounds complex?
Don't worry.
If you understand first-click #attribution and clickthru rate (#CTR), two relatively simple concepts, you are already set for success.
#marketing #webanalytics #ctr #attribution #ads
Hi here are some of my interests #nature #plants #RushTheBand #animals #blackpoolfc #wrc #ctr #comedy #gardens #gardening #horticulture #trees
#nature #plants #RushTheBand #animals #BlackpoolFC #wrc #ctr #comedy #gardens #gardening #horticulture #trees