While the exam for conductor’s posts will be held at 99 centres, the one for the drivers will take place at 37 centres in Chandigarh
Are you finishing your thesis in #embedded systems? What about repeating the defense at the international workshop, attending for free, and being awarded?
Get a recommendation from your supervisor and submit your thesis now!
#embedded #ieee #graduate #bachelor #master #bp #dp #ctu
"An economist says concerns an increased living wage will push up inflation are unfounded. The living wage will jump to $26 in September - an almost 10 per cent rise. Economist and Director of Policy at New Zealand Council of Trade Unions, #CraigRenney, told #CharlotteCook it's common for people to be concerned that this will further hurt inflation, but the data doesn't back that up."
#craigrenney #charlottecook #rnz #inflation #livingwage #ctu
Articles about Mayor Lori Lightfoot invariably mention her caustic relationship with #CTU, but skip the part where CTU instigated that relationship. See my two pieces, three years apart, for The Grade:
"Other CTU contributions to Johnson during his 2018 campaign raised the question of potential violations of state limits on labor donations.
"After he’d already raised more than $150,000 from CTU and affiliated PACs, the Sun-Times identified tens of thousands in additional contributions to Johnson from three union allies that mirrored donations those three had received from the CTU.
"State law bars anonymous contributions or contributions in the name of another person."
Also, Vallas got along so well with the #CTU when he was schools chief that the CTU leader from that time, Deborah Lynch, has endorsed him. He also didn't close a single school. OTOH, he was a privatizer of services and backs charter schools, which I do not. He's also a budget whiz brimming with ideas. Again, I'm not backing him by any means (he's a friend of the FOP, enough said), and has too many Trump associations), but let's understand the candidates, not the caricatures. #ChiMayor23
stále skvělý rozcestník k jiné hudbě... šamanismus, japonsko, čína, tibet, indie, jajouka, gamelan, meditace, trans...
#Master and #PHD #Semiconductor #Scholarship in #Taiwan for those who might be interested from the Czechia, Poland, Lithuania, and Slovakia:
#master #phd #semiconductor #scholarship #taiwan #cad #vlsi #ieee #ic #ctu
Anyone can sign up to participate in The Chicago Index, which is absolutely horrible methodology.
I suspect the #CTU has already gamed this system, which is how #BrandonJohnson got unbelievable numbers last time out.
Next Mayor Poll goes live on January 23!
#ethics #polls #methodology #journalism #bullshit
Join The Chicago Index
#ctu #brandonjohnson #ethics #polls #methodology #Journalism #bullshit
“74% of #Workers 18 to 24 saying they’d support a #union in their workplace, that rises to 75% among Hispanic workers and 80% among Black workers.” “Among the reasons: Workers ‘saw the willingness of their bosses to let them die’" during #COVID19 “ h/t #CTU President Stacy Davis Gates and @therealnews editor Maximillian Alvarez on Twitter. https://www.chicagotribune.com/business/ct-biz-pandemic-labor-resurgence-20220602-k6jrbz6bcfgwtje2et6ue7ifcm-story.html
Impuls voor fase 1 onderzoek van nieuwe geneesmiddelen in UMC Utrecht
#ClinicalTrials #CTU
The Netherlands and South-Africa take hands in UMC Utrecht and TASK collaboration agreement.
#utrecht #ctu #Phase1 #clinicaltrials
Na #FIT #CVUT se můžete - máte-li zájem - potkávat i s #hardware.
V sobotu jsem uchazečům, kteří přišli do laboratoře na #KIB dal malý #quiz: Q1): Co je na obrázku? A dokázali byste popsat funkci nebo nakreslit schema?
Odpověď a Q2 si nechám na zítra 😉
A simple #quiz for visitors of the #KIB lab at #FIT #CTU on Saturday: Q1) What is in the picture? Are you able to describe the circuits' function or draw a schematic?
The answer and Q2 tomorrow 😉
#fit #cvut #hardware #kib #quiz #ctu #sky130 #vlsi #oshw
Live Web Discussion Tonight, October 24, with Striking Chicago Teachers And Support Staff!
Conversations with Troublemakers: