This will always be Countdown to Extinction to me. #CTX :dak: #WDW #WaltDisneyWorld
Mars global mosaic at 5.0 m/px! My friend Jay has been working on this for years (and the CTX/MRO operations team has been collecting the data for even longer)! Really delighted to poke around in this incredible dataset, open to everyone: #Mars #imaging #planetary #MRO
#mars #imaging #planetary #mro #ctx
New Interactive Mosaic Uses NASA Imagery To Show Mars In Vivid Detail
-- <-- The Global CTX Mosaic of Mars online interactive map
-- <-- JPL press release
[since I am on a spatial Mars ‘kick’…]
#GIS #spatial #mapping #Mars #remotesensing #water #science #highresolution #RedPlanet #spaceprobe #survey #map #topography #modeling #compsite #elevation #opendata #openaccess #ReconnaissanceOrbiter #MRO #ContextCamera #CTX #HiRISE #MARCI #GlobalSurveyor #global #image #interactive #online #map #water #fluvial #hydrology #geologic #tectonics #vulcanism #geomorphology #visualization #visualisation
#CalTech #JPL #NASA
#gis #spatial #mapping #Mars #remotesensing #water #science #highresolution #redplanet #spaceprobe #survey #map #topography #modeling #compsite #elevation #opendata #openaccess #reconnaissanceorbiter #mro #contextcamera #ctx #hirise #marci #globalsurveyor #global #image #interactive #online #fluvial #hydrology #geologic #tectonics #vulcanism #geomorphology #visualization #visualisation #caltech #JPL #NASA
Sinuous Channels East Of Olympus Mons, Mars - Implications For Volcanic, Hydrological, And Tectonic Processes
-- <-- paper
• [They] mapped channels and fossae within the volcanic plains east of Olympus Mons.
• Late Amazonian channels east of Olympus Mons formed by eruptions of lava or water.
• Fossae morphologies correspond to episodes of magmatic dike and sill emplacement.
• Loading of Olympus Mons may control magmatic ascent processes and eruption types..."
#GIS #spatial #mapping #volcanism #tectonics #Mars #surface #interior #geologicalprocesses #remotesensing #map #geology #extraterrestrial ##OlympusMons #volcanic #water #hydrology #hydrospatial #lava #fossae #morphology #geomorphology #magma #dike #sill #eruption #plains #traps #facies #map #survey #fluvial #bedrock #erosion #weathering #groundwater #surfacewater #regolith #lahar #meltwater #snow #ice #isostatic #HiRISE #CTX #imagery #chronostratigraphic #model #modeling #gischat
#gis #spatial #mapping #volcanism #tectonics #Mars #surface #interior #geologicalprocesses #remotesensing #map #geology #Extraterrestrial #olympusmons #volcanic #water #hydrology #hydrospatial #lava #fossae #Morphology #geomorphology #magma #dike #sill #eruption #plains #traps #facies #survey #fluvial #Bedrock #erosion #weathering #groundwater #surfacewater #regolith #lahar #meltwater #snow #ice #isostatic #hirise #ctx #imagery #chronostratigraphic #model #modeling #gischat
hi @pippin (and anyone else who can answer - is there a better place for this kind of question? mailing list? forum?)
I'm trying to use to replace Cairo for speed reasons (want to render video), but I'm getting bad rendering (sometimes (not always) huge circles instead of small arcs). probably I'm doing something wrong here in my simple Cairo compatibility layer?
#ifdef USE_CTX
#define ARC(cr,x,y,r,a0,a1) ctx_arc(cr,x,y,r,a0,a1,1)
#define ARC_NEGATIVE(cr,x,y,r,a0,a1) ctx_arc(cr,x,y,r,a0,a1,-1)
#else // USE_CAIRO
#define ARC cairo_arc
#define ARC_NEGATIVE cairo_arc_negative
here's the output of the project using Cairo, it fills lots of long thin "rectangles" with curved edges (stereographically projected from a sphere):
I can publish my full source code repository if a complete (albeit non-minimal) example would be helpful.
#ifdef #define #else #endif #cairo #ctx #graphics
Around 50 minutes ago we released a special 18z weather balloon for obtaining additional parameters to help in our severe weather operations today. That balloon is now at around 100 mb (50,000 ft) and is giving us crucial information today. #dfwwx #ctx #txwx
Python package ctx was compromised for two days and sent environment variables to heroku instance.
Probable attack vector: the package authors email domain expired, was taken over by the attacker to gain access to account.
#python #pypi #ctx #supplychainattacks