12pt9 · @12pt9
247 followers · 567 posts · Server cinematheque.social

April 5: A for

The one that got bombed by Strangelove.

Both Lumet's Fail Safe and 's comedy came out in 1964, right after the . The world was awash with the realisation that the bomb, The Bomb, wasn't merely proverbial flexing. And when crisis happens, there are two options. One is to laugh, the other is to grasp. Sadly for Lumet, and the world, his Fail Safe was released while everyone was still too busy chuckling.

@film letterboxd.com/12pt9/list/bale

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Last updated 2 years ago

ChristiaandeV · @postrocker
29 followers · 286 posts · Server mastodon.vlaanderen