I have been seeing A LOT of verified compromises circulating hacker forums because of #BlackCat, #LockBit, #HiveRansomware, #Mallox, #BlackBasta #RoyalRansomware, #BianLian, #CubaRansomware, #BloodyRansomwareGang, #RansomEXX - I'm talking multiple terabytes of data, hundreds of millions of account details, across pretty much every single sector. Most common method of infection? #BusinessEmailCompromise! Be super mindful of the links you click on, the attachments you download, and the sites you visit
#blackcat #lockbit #hiveransomware #Mallox #blackbasta #royalransomware #bianlian #cubaransomware #bloodyransomwaregang #RANSOMEXX #Businessemailcompromise
#AxisOfEasy 184: Governments Pushing Big Tech To Censor More
##AxisOfEasy #@pwnallthethings #AlexTreese #AutomaticFundsTransferServices #CUBAransomware #EgregorRansomware #facebook #GameStop #JeremyStephen #NLW #SilverSparrow #WallStreetBets #WinstonMoore
#winstonmoore #wallstreetbets #silversparrow #nlw #jeremystephen #gamestop #facebook #egregorransomware #cubaransomware #automaticfundstransferservices #alextreese #axisofeasy