#Felizlunes Hermosa #Cuba #LaHabana sin bloqueo #CubaSi #PuentesSiBloqueoNo #CDRCuba #SomosDelBarrio
#felizlunes #cuba #lahabana #cubasi #puentessibloqueono #CDRCuba #somosdelbarrio
Last month, dozens of young activists from the U.S. traveled to Cuba to meet with Cuban youth.
They were asked what they thought about Cuba and U.S. policy toward the island.
#cuba #endtheembargo #bloqueono #cubasi #cubasibloqueono
U.S. blockade against Cuba stokes up irregular migration, says Cuban immigration expert attorney José Pertierra — “the U.S. government could stop the irregular migration flow from Cuba to USA, if it eliminates hostile economic policy towards Cuba.”
#cuba #endtheembargo #bloqueono #cubasi #cubasibloqueono