I like to wear Carhartt apparel, because I like to cosplay as someone who does hard work. #cubiclejob
the reason I can't leave my current job is that I'd have to re-train a new batch of coworkers to understand what I mean when I call myself Braindead Sempai. #cubiclejob
changing the entire process of how we get our reports at work. happy tuesday~ (actually, it's genuinely going to make things easier, I might actually like this.) #CubicleJob
well that meeting was so dumb, I think I'm having ice cream for lunch. #cubiclejob
ah, I feel much better, actually. I should have screen capped some of those answers for posterity. or, for my own later amusement, at least. #cubiclejob #engagementSurvey
did my employers expect an anti-capitalist essay when they sent out this survey??? I mean, it's really their own fault if they didn't. #cubiclejob
okay, #cubiclejob was going to send is all home by the end of the week, but as of this morning, the plan was to send us all home by the end of the day. a) good. b) man, mad props to our IT dept.
man I just had to put 2022 in a date field. I think I should be allowed to go home now. #cubiclejob
#cubiclejob 's free fruit delivery included avacados last week, so today's lunch included perfectly ripe avacados in my salad. (^_^)
it's a new year, you maybe switched health insurance? call your medical provider and let them know. please. #cubicleJob
man, they had lunch catered at #cubiclejob and now I just want a nap. #PastaComa
lord people are chatty today. I feel like such a curmudgeon too, like, could y'all keep it down, I'm trying to read this book and occasionally update a patient's insurance once in a while if I feel like it. (¬_¬) #cubiclejob
I mean, I could be doing something useful with my life, every one of us in this building could be doing something to make a another person happy, if only society didn't stick us in giant office buildings all day and force us to shuffle pieces of paper around just so we can trade other pieces of paper for food. #UGH #cubiclejob
the irony of playing #stardewvalley on my lunch hour while at #cubiclejob does not escape me...
figuring out how to politely answer this corporate survey to say that I really don't want to be here the only thing they could do make me more motivated is to pay me to stay home and learn languages, is exhausting and I would like a nap now.
I mean, there wasn't really a good way for me to refuse to send my Giant Spreadsheet of In-House Tips and Tricks to my boss's boss's boss, but I've already gotten my first Change This In Ways That Will Make It Actively Harder To Use request. ヽ(`Д´)ノ #cubiclejob