Positive update this time 🙂 I figured out the problem with my eSATA drive. There wasn't sufficient power. Now I reinstalled #armbian, ran #nextcloud via onion script and everything seems to be working just fine. Finally, I installed #pihole on top of that. So even though #cubox is not the newest piece of hardware it will do for now. Great success! 😎 #selfhosting
#armbian #nextcloud #pihole #cubox #selfhosting
Well, I'm sad to say that no progress so far. I managed to transfer the root partition to external drive (via eSATA) but something's wrong since the whole system is slower than before. I suspect it's either a faulty cable or perhaps #Cubox (i2ex) is simply not up to the task. Or it's something else entirely. I'll investigate next week. It's quite possible that I'll have to replace Cubox with a #RaspberryPi eventually. Anyway, wish me luck 🙄
Remember when I told you about #nextcloud via #tor? Well, I did a little research and it turns out that my old #cubox supports eSata drives. So I instantly ordered a 500GB HDD along with a proper cable. When I receive the package I'm gonna set #armbian to use HDD as a primary (root) partition. I guess we'll see how it goes. The plan is to use HDD as Nextcloud instance (behind Tor) for me and my wife. Keep your fingers crossed 😉 Anyway, I'll try to inform you on my progress. #diyproject
#nextcloud #tor #cubox #armbian #diyproject
#TIL you can actually run #nextclolud as an onion service. Big advantage is that you don't need a public IP to access your cloud from anywhere. The traffic goes entirely through #Tor. I tried it today just for fun on my #cubox + #armbian combo. Everything works except it's a little slow because of an old and small SD card. I think I'm gonna explore this solution more as soon as I have a board with bigger and faster storage. #diyproject
#til #nextclolud #tor #cubox #armbian #diyproject
@barszczyk #yunohost nawet chwilę testowałem, ale porzuciłem bo nie mam 'wyjścia' na zewnętrzne IP. Ogólnie mi się podobało bo większości rzeczy można wyklikać. Jednak daleko nam jeszcze do pełnej wygody jeśli chodzi o self-hosting. W tym momencie chyba wolę zapłacić za szyfrowaną chmurę / email / ogólnie hosting bo to prostsze i nie muszę tym zarządzać. Aktualnie korzystam tylko z #syncthing na #cubox którego kupiłem parę lat temu. Swoją drogą polecam #Armbian jeśli korzystasz z jakiegoś komputerka z procesorem ARM.
#yunohost #syncthing #cubox #armbian
Finally got #Syncthing to work on #Cubox. I even managed to sync photos from my phone. Small steps but the idea of self hosting makes me so damn hyped.