1. Neu-Kelte đŸ’™đŸ’›đŸŒ» · @NeuKelte
150 followers · 3021 posts · Server todon.eu

: ("The birth of song/lament") was the first Milesian to disembark on landing in , putting his right foot first on Irish soil. The hero`s epithet GlĂșngel means „with the white-knee(s) or also `with the shining kin`. The teaches the Script and makes the first three judgments in MĂ­le's conquest period.

#celtic #folklorethursday #Amorgen #ireland #druid #cuchulainn #Ogham

Last updated 1 year ago

World History Encyclopedia · @whencyclopedia
1228 followers · 2306 posts · Server mstdn.social

The Dagda (also Daghda, Daghdha, Dagdae, or Dagda MĂłr), usually written with the definite article, is one of the most important gods in Irish-Celtic mythology. worldhistory.org/The_Dagda/

#gundestrupcauldron #cuchulainn #celts #History

Last updated 1 year ago

1. Neu-Kelte đŸ’™đŸ’›đŸŒ» · @NeuKelte
127 followers · 2810 posts · Server todon.eu

`In , many characters had particular animals they were associated with. Ulster’s hero, , had two special horses which pulled his chariot. Their names were Liath Macha, meaning the ‘grey of Macha’, and Dub Sainglend, the ‘black of Saingliu’. They were said to have emerged from the pool of Linn Liaith in the mountains of Sliabh Fuaid as a gift from the goddess, . This association with water clearly indicates their Otherworldly origin. Cuchulainn leaped onto their backs and rode them around the whole of Ireland in just one day, after which they were tamed.`
Source: Ali Isaac

#irish #mythology #cuchulainn #macha #celtic

Last updated 1 year ago

: After the wedding of and , the king of had to exercise his "right of the first night". While mac Nessa feared `s reaction, he would have lost his authority if he had renounced his privilege. To preserve 's virginity, shared the bed with 's wife on her wedding night, but the slept between them.

#celtic #FairyTaleTuesday #cuchulainn #Emer #ulster #Conchobar #cuchulain #druid #Cathbad

Last updated 1 year ago

: I would love Buadach, of the men, , Cernach, , mac RĂłich and Mac Cumhaill with his to help and her , repel the Roman invasion of Britain.

#celtic #mythologymonday #Loegaire #CET #Connacht #anluan #Conall #cuchulainn #Fergus #Fionn #Fianna #Boudicca #iceni

Last updated 1 year ago

: I would love to see , Mac Cumhaill with his and join in repelling the Roman invasion of .

#celtic #mythologymonday #cuchulainn #Fionn #Fianna #Boudicca #Vercingetorix #Gaul

Last updated 1 year ago

: hero was originally called Setanta, but got the name CĂșChulainn after he killed the hound (`CĂș`) of Culan. In the tales he is said to have had a fierce temper and was a mighty warrior. To cool down his temperature, three vats of ice cold water were required, one story describes.
Source: askaboutireland.ie/narrative-n

#celtic #mythologymonday #ulster #cuchulainn

Last updated 1 year ago

1. Neu-Kelte đŸ’™đŸ’›đŸŒ» · @NeuKelte
101 followers · 2632 posts · Server todon.eu

 : ` was the champion of Ulster, and most famous for his almost single-handed defence of the province against Medb, Queen of Connacht in the tale of the Cattle Raid of Cooley. The tale of his conception and birth is a curious one. , his mother, was half sister of King Conchobar mac Nessa, was married to an Ulster chieftain named .

One night, a mayfly landed in her cup of wine, and she swallowed it without realising. She fell into a deep sleep during which Lamfhada, God of Lightning, visited her, and claimed that he was that mayfly and had impregnated her. He then transformed her along with fifty of her serving women into a flock of birds and flew them to Bru na Boinne (Newgrange).

She gave birth to a son there, and named him . The men of Ulster then came for her and escorted her home. Setanta grew up to become the hero CĂșChulainn. Without a doubt, he was a spectacular and precocious child, with battle skills and prowess to match that of any adult warrior. Although he died very young – some stories say seventeen, some say thirty years of age – he achieved fame and admiration
which is still told of today.


#celtic #folklorethursday #cuchulainn #dechtire #sualtam #Lugh #setanta

Last updated 1 year ago

1. Neu-Kelte đŸ’™đŸ’›đŸŒ» · @NeuKelte
101 followers · 2632 posts · Server todon.eu

 : ` was the champion of Ulster, and most famous for his almost single-handed defence of the province against Medb, Queen of Connacht in the tale of the Cattle Raid of Cooley. The tale of his conception and birth is a curious one. , his mother, was half sister of King Conchobar mac Nessa, was married to an Ulster chieftain named .

One night, a mayfly landed in her cup of wine, and she swallowed it without realising. She fell into a deep sleep during which Lamfhada, God of Lightning, visited her, and claimed that he was that mayfly and had impregnated her. He then transformed her along with fifty of her serving women into a flock of birds and flew them to Bru na Boinne (Newgrange).

She gave birth to a son there, and named him . The men of Ulster then came for her and escorted her home. Setanta grew up to become the hero CĂșChulainn. Without a doubt, he was a spectacular and precocious child, with battle skills and prowess to match that of any adult warrior. Although he died very young – some stories say seventeen, some say thirty years of age – he achieved fame and admiration which is still told of today.

#celtic #folklorethursday #cuchulainn #dechtire #sualtam #Lugh #setanta

Last updated 1 year ago

1. Neu-Kelte đŸ’™đŸ’›đŸŒ» · @NeuKelte
100 followers · 2608 posts · Server todon.eu

`The queen , “tear,” came to the warrior poet , in a vision in which she whipped him senseless. The greatest of heroes fell into a lovesick stupor in which he lingered for a year. When the year had passed and the great feast of came, he went into the Otherworld for Fand, leaving behind his loyal wife . Although Emer had endured ‘s other affairs, she could not bear to lose him to , so she followed him. When she saw how deeply Fand loved him, and he her, Emer offered to step aside. Fand, not to be outdone, offered the same and returned to her own husband, Manannán Mac Lir, who wrapped her in his magical cloak to make her forget the human hero. On earth, and drank a potion of forgetfulness and returned to their earlier state.`
Source: P. Monaghan `Encyclopedia of and `

#fairy #fand #cuchulainn #irish #samhain #Emer #fairyland #celtic #mythology #folklore

Last updated 1 year ago

: BlĂĄthnat is often characterized as deceitful and traitorous for plotting CĂș Roí’s death, after he stole her from , who brought her from the . She revealed to CĂșChulainn, who had become her lover, the secret way to kill her husband and thus escape her enslavement.
The story does not end with that bloodshed, for CĂș Roí’s poet Ferchertne pushed BlĂĄthnat over a cliff, killing himself in the process.
Source: P. Monaghan `Encyclopedia of and `

#celtic #mythologymonday #cuchulainn #otherworld #mythology #folklore

Last updated 1 year ago

`In the eel was a plentiful source of food during its annual spring migration. Said to grow out of horsehairs left too long in the water, eels were believed to have the ability to reincarnate themselves. They were sometimes said to travel across land to graveyards, where they slithered underground and ate the corpses. In Co. Clare, near Lisvannor, a monster eel called an Ollipheist or eascĂș crawled up from the water to sneak into graveyards and feast. It was pursued across the country by the outraged residents and finally killed near the cairn called Conn Connachtach in Kilshanny, some miles distant from the sea.
Eels appear in myth as well as folklore: The fearsome goddess ‘Mórrígan appeared as an eel to the hero , perhaps in her role as a foreteller of doom. The monstrous Caoranach fought with saints and heroes from the depths of Lough Derg (“dark red lake,” called so after her blood shed copiously at her death).`
Source: P. Monaghan `Encyclopedia of and `

#ireland #cuchulainn #celtic #mythology #folklore

Last updated 1 year ago

: hero was originally called Setanta, but got the name CĂșChulainn after he killed the hound (`CĂș`) of Culan. In the tales he is said to have had a fierce temper and was a mighty warrior. In one story it is described that three vats of ice cold water were required to cool down his temperature.
Source: askaboutireland.ie/narrative-n

#folklorethursday #celtic #cuchulainn

Last updated 1 year ago

`In , many characters had particular animals they were associated with. Ulster’s hero, , had two special horses which pulled his chariot. Their names were Liath Macha, meaning the ‘grey of Macha’, and Dub Sainglend, the ‘black of Saingliu’. They were said to have emerged from the pool of Linn Liaith in the mountains of Sliabh Fuaid as a gift from the goddess, . This association with water clearly indicates their Otherworldly origin. Cuchulainn leaped onto their backs and rode them around the whole of Ireland in just one day, after which they were tamed.`
Source: Ali Isaac

#irish #mythology #cuchulainn #macha #celtic

Last updated 1 year ago

Kai Ash · @kai_ash
76 followers · 1003 posts · Server masto.ai

"No road or comfortable way ran across that plain, and Cuchulain could not have made his way across, but that the young man with the face like the sun had given him a wheel to roll before him, and told him to follow wherever the wheel led."

From Eleanor Hull's "The Boys' Cuchulain." Image by Stephen Reid (1904)


#cuchulain #cuchulainn #cuchulaind #illustration #eleanorhull #stephenreid #folklore #mastodaoine #irishfolklore

Last updated 1 year ago

Behind the doors of the guesthouse in Luachra, the royal castle of the Érainn, a fiery surprise awaited the warriors of . chose the largest guest house. He did not know that this one was built of iron and only covered with wood.
Late in the evening the doors were barred from the outside. With 7 iron chains the doors and walls of the iron house in Temair Luachra were secured. In the vault under the house now 3x50 blacksmiths brought the fire to blaze. The heroic warriors of were to be
Source: Sylvia Botheroyd ``
RT @HeritageHubIRE
In 2000-03 the Heritage Council funded aerial photographic surveys of Irish coastal promontory forts by the late Markus Casey. Over t


#temair #ulster #cuchulainn #irland #celtic

Last updated 1 year ago

: Behind the doors of the guesthouse in Luachra, the royal castle of the Érainn, a fiery surprise awaited the warriors of . chose the largest guest house. He did not know that this one
RT @HeritageHubIRE
In 2000-03 the Heritage Council funded aerial photographic surveys of Irish coastal promontory forts by the late Markus Casey. Over t


#celtic #WyrdWednesday #LegendaryWednesday #HillfortsWednesday #temair #ulster #cuchulainn

Last updated 1 year ago

The mighty warrior fell in love with , but her husband retrieved her by placing his cloak of invisibility between Fand and CĂșChulainn, thus magically erasing their memory of each other.`
William Shakespeare in his creation of Titania drew inspiration from the folkloric figure of queens like Fand.`
Sources: Patricia Monaghan `Encyclopedia of and ` and
RT @ElsaMc1878
In Irish myth Manannán ruled the IsleOfMan with his wife Fand. He used a of invisibility to protect his land. When 


#irish #cuchulainn #fand #Manannan #fairy #celtic #mythology #folklore #folklorethursday #cloak

Last updated 2 years ago

: The mighty warrior fell in love with , but her husband retrieved her by placing his cloak of invisibility between Fand and CĂșChulainn, thus magically erasing their memory of each other.`
RT @ElsaMc1878
In Irish myth Manannán ruled the IsleOfMan with his wife Fand. He used a of invisibility to protect his land. When 


#celtic #FolkloreSunday #shakespearesunday #irish #cuchulainn #fand #Manannan #folklorethursday #cloak

Last updated 2 years ago