#Earthquake (#sismo) M5.6 strikes 117 km SW of #Cúcuta (#Colombia) 11 min ago. More info: https://www.emsc-csem.org/Earthquake/earthquake.php?id=1266610
#earthquake #sismo #cucuta #colombia
#Earthquake (#sismo) M5.8 strikes 118 km SW of #Cúcuta (#Colombia) 8 min ago. More info: https://www.emsc-csem.org/Earthquake/earthquake.php?id=1234798
#earthquake #sismo #cucuta #colombia
Human rights #alert; please RT/amplify: a member of my extended family has been threatened by paramilitaries in #Colombia, specifically, in #Cucuta. It's important that the mayor of Cucuta repudiate these actions and provide safety, escort, and/or accompaniment to human rights defenders.
The mayor is here: https://twitter.com/ingjairoyanez
The governor is here: https://twitter.com/silvanoserranog
Threat is documented here: https://twitter.com/Col_Informa/status/1629808721319587840?s=20
By the third time it’s yelled by kids backed by a loudspeaker, burrito sabanero loses all its cuteness. #cucuta #lovethekidshatethebafle
#cucuta #lovethekidshatethebafle
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Yesterday at @FLCucuta I was so happy to share Representing Radicals from the homies at @AKPressDistro with the cool folks of @posdatalibreria #Cucuta https://www.akpress.org/representing-radicals.html
Such important work. Saw part of their exhibit at the #cucuta book fair. #Colombia
RT @ComisionVerdadC
La plataforma digital de la @ComisionVerdadC reúne múltiples historias, relatos y voces que buscan la reconciliación para alcanzar la paz grande.
Navégala aquí👉http://comisiondelaverdad.co https://t.co/xSaYVdppPb
20 minutes outside #Cucuta...and where my wife and I go when we want to eat fresh fish...
RT @elespectador
Un soldado fue asesinado por un francotirador en Zulia, Norte de Santander.
The HMO cum healthcare situation in #Colombia is a disaster. In #cucuta, clinica San Jose workers delay healthcare if they feel patients are rude.
RT @sirleacevedo822
IPS ... Las condiciones más deplorables y dañinas para la salud, muchas personas, sufriendo las peores condiciones buscando mejorar su salud, entre ellos mi hija adolescente con apendicitis y sin poder recibir su atención quirúrgica que ordenaron con urgencia esta…
Nipple warning! Got this tattoo yesterday in #Cucuta. Going back for another next week.
What if all the jillipollas in #Cucuta who said, "si gana Petro me voy" actually left? I think Cucuta would be more chill. There would also be faster cocktail service for me and my special friend!
Welcome back... #cucuta https://www.laopinion.com.co/judicial/atacan-puesto-de-control-del-batallon-de-la-brigada-30-en-cucuta
Conflicting information out of #Cucuta: Blu reports that Venezuela is preventing folks from crossing; on the Colombia side there's ESMAD so it's unclear which government was impeding flow of voters. #ColombiaDecide
I spoke with a passenger bus driver last night in the working class neighborhood where I'm staying last night: he shared his trip to #Cucuta was cancelled b/c the bus company expected trouble there...that means folks traveling to vote didn't get to.
El pavimento esta hecho un desastre, el piaton se toma la vida en las manos al cruzar, las calles se inundan con lluvias pero si, semafaros de "nueva generacion"... #Cucuta
RT @RevistaSemana
Así va el proceso de semaforización de nueva generación en Cúcuta https://www.semana.com/nacion/cucuta/articulo/asi-va-el-proceso-de-semaforizacion-de-nueva-generacion-en-cucuta/202241/?utm_term=Autofeed&utm_campaign=Echobox&utm_medium=Socia…
Cc @Supersalud #Cucuta
RT @kmontenegro
@DirComNuevaEps @frankcamacho95 @MinSaludCol Que vergüenza en la #EPS Uba Vihonco de #Cucuta. Healthcare privatization gone wild. #salud
So glad to be in #cucuta with my special friend! It's a homecoming of sorts.
#cucuta, no le paren bola a estos narcopoliticos.
RT @RevistaSemana
Este viernes estarán Fico y Fajardo en Cúcuta; esta es la agenda de los candidatos en la ciudad https://www.semana.com/nacion/cucuta/articulo/este-viernes-estaran-fico-y-fajardo-en-cucuta-esta-es-la-agenda-de-los-candidatos-en-la-ciudad/202246/?utm_term=Autofeed&utm_campaign=Echobox&utm_medium=Social&utm_source=Twitter#Echobox=1652443148