Though I guess in Chicago, it's called cuffing season. I guess it's odd when you're in a stable relationship, and it's more about friendships than coupling.
Cuffing season? Nope, I’ve got shit to do.
I’m bringing ALL of this to Weird Bitch Winter 2023.
#WeirdBitchWinter #SingleNoMingle #December2022 #Christmas2022 #NYE2022 #WhatYearIsIt #DogLady #CestTheo #CuffingSeason #BoneAndBolt #thankyouforcomingtomytedtalk #SundaysStonerWrites #DontCareNoMore
#dontcarenomore #sundaysstonerwrites #thankyouforcomingtomytedtalk #boneandbolt #cuffingseason #cesttheo #doglady #whatYearIsIt #NYE2022 #christmas2022 #december2022 #singlenomingle #weirdbitchwinter
Ladies, Gentlemen, Enbies and AoB's*... #RemainCalm and #StayStrong! We're almost to th' worst of it...
*AoB = Abolishers of Bloodlines
#remaincalm #staystrong #cuffingseason
This #Song From a #SNL Sketch Is Lighting Up TikTok / #BigBoys #KekePalmer #CuffingSeason
#cuffingseason #KekePalmer #bigboys #snl #song
One of those times when #RealityIsStrangerThanParody . . but in a good way (for a change)
Turns out that people are (mildly) disappointed that the parody song that SZA did for #SNL was not a "real" song . . a.k.a. was not released as part of her new album
#realityisstrangerthanparody #snl #cuffingseason #bigboysong
With cuffing season in full swing it’s a head to head matchup between my more serious Hinge profile vs my more casual Tinder profile. So far the completion is tight, there’s been no “scoring” on either side quite yet… #cuffingseason #onlinedating #hinge #tinder
#cuffingseason #onlinedating #hinge #tinder
Okay, I finally get it. Women REALLY love men in sweaters. I got a "hey baby" and a few looks when I took off my coat in a cafe today, revealing my sweater. I had initially attributed this to cuffing season and my tendency to be confused for some reliable +1 to take to a holiday party. But, no, it's the sweater. Because one of these women said "Nice sweater" and slipped me her number.
So if you're on the prowl, wear a sweater. It could atone for your deficiencies.
As I've chronicled in this TikTok, I tend to stay friendly with my exes, which is a decidedly European attitude. After all, most Americans tend to declare their former lovers dead. But not me. I feel that, if you've shared some emotional intimacy with someone, you're legitimately invested in their journey. You want to root for them. Or at least I do. Yet cuffing season causes former lovers to slide into your texts and DMs. What is one to do?