Oblomov · @oblomov
531 followers · 17781 posts · Server sociale.network

is still useful for more roundabout proposals. For example, post.news used a for onboarding to pump up the numbers when it had barely just launched and create noise to divert from the attention and the were getting on the first . People were sharing their referrals to invite others to join post.news hoping to move faster in the queue (), but this was all to the benefit of the post.news' owners.

#WIIFY #twitterexodus #fediverse #mastodon #pyramidscheme #cuiProdest

Last updated 2 years ago

Oblomov · @oblomov
531 followers · 17781 posts · Server sociale.network

is still useful for more roundabout proposals. For example, post.news used a for onboarding to pump up the numbers when it had barely just launched and create noise to divert from the attention and the were getting on the first . People were sharing their referrals to invite others to join post.news hoping to move faster in the queue (), but this was all to the post.news benefit.

#WIIFY #twitterexodus #fediverse #mastodon #pyramidscheme #cuiProdest

Last updated 2 years ago

Oblomov · @oblomov
531 followers · 17775 posts · Server sociale.network

But this isn't just a rehashing of the good old Latin phrase «cui prodest?» (or «cui bono?» as some of you may know it). This isn't just a matter of asking who benefits from the proposal, because it will _always_ be sold to you as something you can or will benefit from, and generally as something that both (or all) parties will benefit from. , are always good questions to ask, but is really the game changer.

#WIIFY #CuiBono #cuiProdest

Last updated 2 years ago