It's that time of year again.
#nothingtomyname #cuijian #一無所有 #崔健
#nowplaying #listening #cuijian #nprtinydesk #liveperformance #music #youtube #asianmastodon #bipoc #pocmusicians
Cui Jian: Tiny Desk Meets globalFEST 2023
"I talk about serious things in my heart and people's lives, including, of course, love. But, mostly it's about Chinese culture, the modern culture. They're not political songs. It's just the truth, the modern truth. I talk about our life in China."
#cuijian #chinesemusic #chineserock #music
The next extension of @globalFEST is its collaboration with @NPR #TinyDesk. Kicked off the first of 3 consecutive nights just now, all hosted by #AngeliqueKidjo.
Tonight #DakhDaughters from #Ukraine, #BnatelHouariyat from #Morocco with #EsraaWarda, and the legendary #CuiJian from #China.
#tinydesk #angeliquekidjo #dakhdaughters #ukraine #bnatelhouariyat #Morocco #esraawarda #cuijian #china #watch #share #worldmusic #musicforthepeople
Our Mind on Music: Check out our CNY 2023 Episode!
Chinese Rock and Pop Music (Pt. 1)
Happy Chinese New Year! 🏮 🏮春节快乐! 🏮 🏮
#CuiJian #JayChou #chinesemusic #chinesenewyear #teresateng #qingdao #shenzhen #davidtao #JordanTan #eminem #dashan
#cuijian #jaychou #chinesemusic #chinesenewyear #teresateng #qingdao #shenzhen #davidtao #jordantan #eminem #dashan
And we’re not done yet!
@NPR #TinyDesk meets @globalFEST . Next week
#DakhDaughters #ukraine
#bnat_elhouariyat #Morocco
#CuiJian #China
#SeptetosSantiaguero #cuba
#BiaFerreira #Brazil
#MoonlightBenjamin #Haiti
#taraf_de_caliu #Romania
#nouramintseymali #Mauritania
#justinandmauro #JustinAdams #MauroDurante #UK #Italy
Hosted by #AngeliqueKidjo #Benin
#globalfest #worldmusic #virtualconcerts #online #TinyDeskConcerts
#tinydesk #dakhdaughters #ukraine #bnat_elhouariyat #Morocco #cuijian #china #septetossantiaguero #cuba #biaferreira #brazil #moonlightbenjamin #haiti #taraf_de_caliu #romania #nouramintseymali #Mauritania #justinandmauro #justinadams #maurodurante #uk #italy #angeliquekidjo #benin #globalfest #worldmusic #virtualconcerts #online #tinydeskconcerts
Tori Amos should do a cover of Iron Maiden’s “Wasted Years” to cancel our Ryan Adams’s cover because he is gross. She could also do a pretty interesting piano arrangement of the opening guitar.
The Grateful Dead is my preferred performer of any Bob Dylan song.
Frank Sinatra was a thoroughly gross human, but I cannot resist his voice. Same goes for Morrissey.
The Eurythmics are underrated. I forget they exist until their songs come onto my these random mixes I make, and I am always like damn.
If you haven’t ever listened to Cui Jian. Check him out. “Greenhouse Girl” is my favorite.
#music #ToriAmos #IronMaiden #Eurythmics #GratefulDead #CuiJian
#music #toriamos #ironmaiden #eurythmics #gratefuldead #cuijian