#Haver now has persistent work spaces which persist the source code and the bound variables.
#smalltalk #CuisSmalltalk #cuis #haversmalltalk #Haver
@drgeo Pointed to an 13 year old interview with @juanvuletich
«It is a must to read, and we can say that the heading to the Cuis' objectives have been maintained in most part.
For me the most dominant aspect of Cuis is that it is an enabler.»
It totally agree!
#Cuis #CuisSmalltalk #Smalltalk
#smalltalk #CuisSmalltalk #cuis
@Conornash That's interesting!
I did a complete round trip:
Started with Smalltalk/V for MDOS in the late 80s. Used the same #Smalltalk on Windows and OS/2 in the early 90s. Used C++ for the rest of that decade. Then switched to #Python as a substitute for Smalltalk. Used #Squeak and #Pharo for private projects. Finally came back to #Cuis around 2015. After some discussion I started my own Cuis-based Smalltalk called #Haver.
#Haver #cuis #pharo #squeak #python #smalltalk
@Conornash That is why I gave up using #Pharo.
There are oodles of packages looking useful. Once you want to use one them, you soon discover that exactly this package stopped being useful, because it does not work or even load with newer Pharo versions. (Backward compatibility is for wimps!)
#Cuis is IMHO a much better alternative!
Does #FFI actually work in #cuis #smalltalk with a 64bit Windows? I am trying to get the Cuis SQLite adapter to work. But I keep getting the following error: "No module to load address from". First thought the problem is that the sqlite3.dll is not in the right directory? But now I think the problem is somewhere in the FFI code itself?
Oh shit, I just discovered why Squeak's and Cuis' break-point implementations are exception based. 'Break on entry' on a #drawOn:-method leads to a new debugger every time a morph is displayed.
#cuis #squeak #CuisSmalltalk #drawon
And, woosh, Juan integrated the change-set by creating a core-update for #Cuis:
@krono pointed me to #Squeak's WrappedBreakpoint class, which I ported to Cuis and posted on the mailing list for review.
See: https://lists.cuis.st/mailman/archives/cuis-dev/2023-April/007319.html
#haversmalltalk #CuisSmalltalk #squeak #cuis #rfc
#Cuis community meeting will be hosted by @drgeo on Wednesday 5th of April 16:00 GMT. Juan Vuletich, Cuis inventor, will present Cuis' Unicode implementation.
Please visit http://meeting.cuis.st/ to join the meeting.
See https://cuis.st/community for the overall meeting schedule.
@edcrypt The #CreamFont from #Smalltalk-80 is delivered with #Cuis and can of course be used as system font.
#CuisSmalltalk #cuis #smalltalk #creamfont
With this little script you can
all icons available in #Cuis' current theme. I posted the script on the mailing list.
Semantic actions make the grammar considerably longer, but we can still make good use of Unicode arrows (⇑) provided #Cuis' Unicode handling.
#CuisSmalltalk #haversmalltalk #Haver #cuis
@kirtai Juan Vuletich the mastermind behind #CuisSmalltalk which is the foundation for #HaverSmalltalk, is the one that did the miracle work.
Note that #Cuis uses vector graphics for most of the stuff stuff. Especially TrueType-font rendering is mostly
#Smalltalk-Code with a plugin for vector graphics, which is implemented with C-code generated from Smalltalk-Code. (The usual development method for OpenssmalltalkVM development)
Thanks again Juan!
#smalltalk #cuis #haversmalltalk #CuisSmalltalk
Expanded the grammar a bit. Still looks nice and simple. Admittedly I recycled #Cuis' Scanner.
#CuisSmalltalk #haversmalltalk #cuis
#haversmalltalk #CuisSmalltalk #Haver #cuis
#Cuis' constant changes in its canvas classes are sometimes a bit annoying. Every month or so I have to adapt #Haver's code.
#haversmalltalk #CuisSmalltalk #Haver #cuis