@Hazey the #history of the transition of #CulbinSands
…as it was then, to the #CulbinForest of today is fascinating.
#culbinforest #culbinsands #history
Lovely link in book I'm reading by Amanda Thomson, 'Belonging', & my book of essays by #IsobelWylieHutchison Peak Beyond Peak, (Taproot Press).
Both fascinated by #culbinforest near Forres. IWH watches the process of thatching dunes, "Corsican pine has proved the most suitable type to grow, but Scots and 'Lodgepole' pine (Pinus Contorta)are also used." & 70 years later Amanda shares her questions & thoughts. "I can't help but wonder how this landscape has changed..."
#culbinforest #isobelwyliehutchison #internationalwomensday
#Walking in the #CulbinForest amongst high Scots Pines, which were planted from the 1920’s to the 1960’s to stabilize what, at the time, was the largest area of loose sand dune desert in Britain … 😀
#scotland #moray #hiking #culbinforest #walking
Vanishing point - Culbin forest
#photography #nairn #culbinforest
#culbinforest #Nairn #photography