Here's a 17th century #judeoarabic commentary on Isaiah citing many standard commentators (Radak, R' Yonah, Rashi, etc.) #hebrewmanuscripts #culhebrewmss
Catalog record here: (call number: MS X893.1 BC P437)
#JudeoArabic #hebrewmanuscripts #culhebrewmss
Until I can figure out how to get the #culhebrewmss bot running here, I'll have to manually tweet them. #hebrewmanuscripts
Here's a treatise on #astronomy by Isaac Lopis of Aleppo (1704). I especially love the faces of the sun :)
Tekhunat ha-ʻolam u-binah le-ʻitim : bo yitbaʼer tsurat ha-arets ṿe-tavnit ha-ʻolam
#culhebrewmss #hebrewmanuscripts #Astronomy