Another shout-out to #AnjaliPrasertong (the #AntiRacistDietician) - she makes me think with every article she writes, whether on #FoodEquity, #DietCulture, #FoodCulture, #Racism in #FoodPolicy, #FoodHistory, #CulinaryAppropriation, and more, and the intersection of #nutrition with all of it.
Some are serious, some are lighthearted (such as her #FridayJoy series), some just ask thought-provoking questions.
But I'm so glad I discovered her & want to get her name out. 📣
#anjaliprasertong #antiracistdietician #foodequity #dietculture #foodculture #Racism #foodpolicy #foodhistory #culinaryappropriation #nutrition #fridayjoy