Yet another reason the #AmericanEmpire is circling the drain.
>A majority of dog owners in the U.S. are now “vaccine hesitant”
cc. @friendlycovid19
#culltheherd #COVIDIOTS #americanempire
Meanwhile, in the stoopid out of Ohio. Sen. Vance: doing his part to #CullTheHerd. Anyhow, #COVID19 is over, or so they say.
>Ohio Sen. J.D. Vance's 'Freedom to Breathe' bill bans federal mask mandates
#COVIDIOTS #PartyOfStupid #COVID19 #culltheherd
But hey, #COVID19 is over. It's fine. Cracks me up how they just take token measures because they are afraid of "blowback" if they tell people to fucking #WearAMask.
Hey, do your part then, help to #CullTheHerd.
>Covid surge in schools are leading to widespread absences
#culltheherd #WearAMask #COVID19
Extroverts more likely to refuse vaccines, study finds
That is because, unlike those loud obnoxious extroverts, the rest of us stay quiet, analyze, see the benefits, and then without fuss #GetVaccinated. But hey, they can help #CullTheHerd.
#COVIDIOTS #culltheherd #getvaccinated
Meanwhile in #news of the #stupid. Clearly the #CosmicJoker is laughing, and to be honest, so am I. Praised be the divine humor.
>Tourists flock to Death Valley to experience possible world-record heat of 131 degrees
#culltheherd #CosmicJoker #stupid #news
Pretty much my thought. Just let Mother Nature take out the trash. Because Mother Nature may be loving but she is also merciless.
First measles case in Maryland since 2019 confirmed
Thank you antivax assholes.
#culltheherd #stupid #bringbackmeasles
More #GOP #PartyOfStupid cruelty. To them, just let the children starve and help to #CullTheHerd. More food for selfish assholes like him and his ilk.
Free school lunches are not worth the cost, according to rich, out-of-touch pundit Ben Shapiro
#culltheherd #PartyOfStupid #gop
@marq So with luck, they might blow themselves up. (I know awful yet, #CullTheHerd).
Dangerous selfies aren't just foolish. We need to treat them like the public health hazard they really are
Translation: Taking selfies in seriously dangerous places is another way Mother Nature takes out the trash.
#naturalselection #culltheherd
We were live from Westminster today, when we went to a demo to remind everyone of the older people currently being offered a stark choice between dying of hunger or cold. Many have died before their time . . .
#Olderpeople #OldGeezersShow #OldGeezersDiary #culltheherd #HeatorEat #HungerOrHeat #poorOldPeople #HardUpandHungry
#Olderpeople #oldgeezersshow #oldgeezersdiary #culltheherd #heatoreat #hungerorheat #pooroldpeople #hardupandhungry
A Measles Outbreak Has Hospitalized More Than 32 Kids in Ohio
A measles outbreak for fuck's sake, and all because their #PartyOfStupid #antivax retrograde parents refused to vaccinate their kids and instead are trying to #CullTheHerd.
#culltheherd #antivax #PartyOfStupid
Covid-19 Infection and Death Rates Climbed Nationwide Last Week
But hey, it's the "post-COVID" era now, the virus is over. 'Muricans are back to normal, it's the holidays, shopping and gathering times.
(Don't get me started on certain workplaces that said fuck it, got rid of pretty much all precautions because "everything is fine.")
cc. @OG_Covid
New COVID-19 Variant Drives Virus Surge in France
Nah, don't worry, ditch those masks, the virus is over, it's shopping time. #CullTheHerd
US children’s hospitals overwhelmed by RSV cases
Well, now that COVID is over (at least to most gringos), something has to keep up to #CullTheHerd.
cc. @OG_Covid
Twitter abandons COVID-19 misinformation rules
Translation: New Twitter overlord says fuck it, time to #CullTheHerd. All part of Eli Cologne's method to the madness (see previous article shared).
cc. @OG_Covid
The number of babies hospitalized for COVID-19 went up recently. Here's why
A big reason to get vaccinated: on behalf of young children too young to get the shot. Stop being a selfish prick, #GetVaccinated and #GetBoosted, or hey, help #CullTheHerd.
cc. @OG_Covid
#culltheherd #GetBoosted #getvaccinated
Not a headline I like to see by @pzmyers
Well, gringos have been saying for a while that nana and gramps need to step up and die off already so 'Muricans can keep shopping and going to bars. #CullTheHerd
cc. @OG_Covid
COVID-19 Cases Might Go Up in Winter Months - EMA
Just as certain small college ended campus lockdown (let everyone in because fuck it, the virus is down) and no more mask mandate.