Mélange des genres intéressants à Cully entre le Cully Jazz et la commémoration du tricentenaire de la mort du Major Davel 😉😂:
#MajorDavel #Cully
Happy #WoofWednesday!
I took this picture a year ago today. Since then Cully continues to find joy in simple moments, and I continue to find him more handsome, more loveable and more wondrous.
Have a good day everyone, and treat yourself! Bask in Cully's matinee idol good looks for as long as you want - it's almost Christmas. 😉
#GDEP #CullyApproved #dogs #love #joy #Cully #BestDogEver #DogsOfMastodon
ID: a picture of a stonkingly handsome Malamute X Shepherd dog laying in profile in dappled light on the grass with blue sky and a grey shed behind him in the background. There is a pink squeaky pig toy on his forepaws.
#woofwednesday #gdep #cullyapproved #dogs #love #joy #cully #bestdogever #dogsofmastodon
Les travaux d’adaptation de la gare #CFF de #Cully ont démarré. Ils ont pour but de moderniser les quais et leurs accès et d’augmenter l’offre du RER Vaud entre Cully et Cossonay-Penthalaz
#Vaud #mobilité @presse_CFF@twitter.com https://www.vd.ch/toutes-les-actualites/communiques-de-presse/detail/communique/debut-des-travaux-damenagement-de-la-gare-de-cully-1580199424/