Though dismissed at the time, "The Replacements" has gained cult credibility over the years as a favorite among football movies. Keanu Reeves told us he strove to look like he belonged on the field.
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Bitcoin Advocate Nic Carter Accuses ‘Laser-Eyed Maxis’ of Turning Bitcoin Into a ‘Secular Cult’ - In a tweet this week, crypto advocate Nic Carter took aim at those who claim to be... - #cryptocurrencyspace #regulatoryoversight #enforcementactions #stock-to-flowmodel #decentralization #cryptoadvocate #cultfollowing #falsepromises #cultleaders #pricegrowth #secularcult #sec
#sec #secularcult #pricegrowth #cultleaders #falsepromises #cultfollowing #cryptoadvocate #decentralization #stock #enforcementactions #regulatoryoversight #cryptocurrencyspace
#7MoviesToKnowMe in n#articular order
Blade Runner
Tank Girl
Mr. Right
The Long Kiss Goodnight
Halloween (1978)
Freddy’s Dead: The Final Nightmare
#Horror #Action #LoriPetty #RachelTalalay #Movies
#CultFollowing #JohnCarpenter
#7moviestoknowme #horror #action #loripetty #racheltalalay #movies #cultfollowing #johncarpenter