After playing #BookOfHours for two hours (no pun intended), I must say, I'm captivated.
The pacing is quite a bit slower than in #CultistSimulator, but the atmosphere is there, together with the love for details, and the excellent storytelling.
#bookofhours #cultistsimulator
ooooh Book of Hours is out!
lovecraftian horror, from the creators of Cultist Simulator, which sucked me in and didn't let go for quite awhile!! Been waiting for this one :)
#bookofhours #videogames #cultistsimulator #releaseday
Durchgespielt: #CultistSimulator
Zuerst verwirrend und bezaubernd. Ständig gibt es Neues und man lernt die Regeln des Spiels, während man es spielt - ohne Tutorial. CS sagt einem, man soll ausprobieren und Fehler machen, aber wenn ein Run über 15 Stunden geht, ist es gar nicht toll und motivierend, wenn man wegen eines dieser Fehler stirbt und neu anfangen muss.
Das Ressourcenmanagement macht Spaß, ist unter der Lovecraft-Karosse aber auch nur ein Cookie Clicker für Intellektuelle.
On the weekend I dug out #CultistSimulator again, to get in the mood for #BookOfHours, which is going to be released soon.
I'm absolutely hooked again. The storytelling and world building in Cultist Simulator is just amazing.
If Book Of Hours comes in any way close to that, it might become my favourite game of 2023.
#cultistsimulator #bookofhours
I thought it would be nice to do an intro for myself and saw a cool hashtag going around, so here's #10gamestoknowme (in no particular order):
#10gamestoknowme #dwarffortress #celeste #bloodborne #spiderman #prey2017 #minecraft #cultistsimulator #cdda #warhammer40k #hardspaceshipbreaker
过去几天沉迷 Cultist Simulator, 中译版非常中二,游戏设计十分流畅,上瘾体验极其痛快 :ablobdj: 好久没有这么明显的游戏心流体验:本来打算随便玩一会儿,定睛一看已经凌晨四点半了!理解了为什么会有家里蹲人士天天不干别的只打游戏,毕竟是人类设计出来引诱其它人类的利器……
不过玩得这么爽也是我为自己开路的结果;刚开始在游戏初期死了好几次,又懒得反复琢磨存活机制,只想得到阅读中二哥特 cult 文本和探索神秘主义神话体系的乐趣,于是用了将近两天研究 modding, 试图调整难度。幸而官方鼓励 mod, 所以只需要照猫画虎写 json. 其间虽然被卡住数次,但有制作精美的 modding guide 和响应极快的志愿者救我于水火之中。最后写出一个 story mode / cheating mod, 给初期常见死因都提供了简捷的避免方式,于是我得以连续狂打游戏五个小时而不用担心把角色作死……
Habe die Tage nochmal #CultistSimulator probiert. Die UI wirkt etwas stabiler. Aber so richtig erschließt es sich mir weiterhin nicht. Hm.
I've finally written up a #blogpost on one of my weirder experiences last year. An atmospheric catered puzzle box mystery event based in the world of #cultistsimulator:
@PaseoBaggage Stacklands was cool but whenever I play it it's with the nagging feeling the entire time that I'd rather be playing #CultistSimulator.
Video Game Cult Classics: Cultist Simulator #CultClassic #CultistSimulator #RPG
#cultclassic #cultistsimulator #rpg
Selfies with a hoodie
#gehtrausundmachtfotos #werdasliestistwunderschön #scheissaufhashtags #eosm50markii #ichbineinbremer #selfportrait #lowkey #selfie #hoodie #moodygrams #thegreatergood #cultistsimulator
#cultistsimulator #thegreatergood #moodygrams #hoodie #selfie #lowkey #selfportrait #ichbineinbremer #eosm50markii #scheissaufhashtags #werdasliestistwunderschon #gehtrausundmachtfotos
"this should be considered a minor victory"
Yet a victory nonetheless, and my first!
Desde que tenho o tempo quase totalmente ocupado com coisas da vida, uma das coisas que me deixaram de interessar foram os jogos (prioridades…).
No entanto este ainda me ocupa alguns poucos momentos mortos. Recomendo.
It's a very grindy game. As much as I enjoy system building games, the acceleration on this is glacial. Granted, I'm probably mid-game? But the path forward is obscure, and the random obstacles are tedious.
Initially, I was overwhelmed by the learning curve. There is a lot to read, a lot to memorize. The instructions say to experiment, but with all the things going on at once, it was hard to keep straight what experiments had which results, and I've just defaulted to the wiki.
I'm not a big lore person, so discovering new narratives isn't terribly alluring to me without more puzzle-like elements. Unsure how much I'd replay, which is a disappointment because I prefer familiar games I can replay, over novelty & new games.
#game #games #review #cultistsimulator
I've been playing a bit of #CultistSimulator and I think I'm messing up because I keep getting too much Dread. Like bruh you work at the tax office during the day and spend evenings getting cool books downtown, why are you so stressed out?? >:l
Estos meses entre nuevos accesos anticipados, juegos que salen de esa etapa o que se añaden nuevos contenidos... VAYA GUSTAZO!
#DuneSpiceWars #mightygoose #Crimesight #blackdesert #ExpeditionZero #GetsuFumaDen #Itorah #cultistsimulator #GreakMemoriesOfAzur #Dorfromantik
I got my first victory in #CultistSimulator earlier today! The endgame is grindy as hell. I'd like to see some more variety in the final stages of ascention, too
I am one of the Know. I have opened the Peacock Door in my dreams, and received the Third Mark. Furthest I’ve got so far :D #CultistSimulator