With #Trump’s Indictment, the #GOP is being described as the #CultofTrump, and the other GOP candidates are scrambling to figure out how to position themselves. Come listen to a fascinating talk with the award-winning documentarian Jen Senko on her film, The #Brainwashing of My Dad, and the book based on it.
#trump #gop #cultoftrump #brainwashing
As a former cult member and expert on cults, the recent indictment of Donald Trump has me reflecting on the power of authoritarianism and groupthink. It's crucial to understand how individuals can be influenced and manipulated by those in positions of authority. My book, "The Cult of Trump," dives deep into this topic and offers insights into how to recognize and resist destructive cults of all kinds.
#waco #cultoftrump #indictment
Kevin, Kevin, Kevin will you get your 218 votes? Kevin has made a Faustian deal with many QGOP crazed American's like a MTG & MAGA Liar Andrew Clyde (my so called rep.) from Georgia, and it will cost the American people big time. Watch divided Government at work. #ElectionsHaveConsequences
#electionshaveconsequences #qgopcrazypeople #cultoftrump #democracymatters