Jacobo Espino · @jespino
0 followers · 1 posts · Server mstdn.business

One of the most challenging things when you try to implement an phylosophy, it’s the aspect. The and the communications are key aspects of your cultural change plan.

#assetmanagement #culturalchange #leadership

Last updated 1 year ago

Santiago Sainz :verified: · @SantiagoSainz
736 followers · 973 posts · Server mastodon.cloud

🐂❌🚫 On , we reaffirm our commitment to promoting compassion, respect and the protection of animal rights. Bullfighting perpetuates cruelty and suffering. We must promote alternative forms of entertainment that celebrate life and reject. Together, we can create a world where animals are treated with dignity and compassion.

#worldantibullfightingday #endbullfighting #animalrights #compassion #choosecompassion #animalwelfare #culturalchange

Last updated 1 year ago

NFDI4Culture · @nfdi4culture
205 followers · 60 posts · Server nfdi.social

Heute von 12:30-15:30 Uhr noch nichts vor? Dann bis 12:00 noch anmelden für diese Online-Veranstaltung zum Teilen von als !

#forschungsdaten #fairdata #openscience #culturalchange

Last updated 2 years ago

Destinie A. Jones · @DestinieA
21 followers · 222 posts · Server urbanists.social
NFDI4Culture · @nfdi4culture
16 followers · 5 posts · Server nfdi.social

beim Teilen von Forschungsdaten mit und durch die " - Auftakt zur neuen Veranstaltungsreihe "CC-BY-US" (mit KonsortSWD) am 17.04.2023, 12:30-15:30 Uhr.
Programm und Anmeldung: events.nfdi4culture.de/event/1

#culturalchange #nfdi #fairdata #forschungsdatenmanagement

Last updated 2 years ago

Carol Peters · @carolpeters
40 followers · 252 posts · Server zirk.us

@adamgreenfield tell them to read Piketty, I've just begun "Capitalism & Ideology" & find it as fascinating as I did "Capitalism in the Twenty-First Century," makes me think

#capitalism #inequality #culturalchange

Last updated 2 years ago

petersuber · @petersuber
3147 followers · 355 posts · Server fediscience.org

Sign of change in research culture, not just research policy:

"REF 2021’s for journal articles and conference proceedings has arguably had the greatest impact in driving open access engagement by researchers [in the UK]. What was once a niche pursuit that was opposed by many researchers is now overwhelmingly regarded as an everyday part of the research lifecycle."

#mandates #policies #researchculture #culturalchange #ref #uk #mandate #openaccess

Last updated 2 years ago

Lee Fife · @colo_lee
116 followers · 564 posts · Server universeodon.com

This article is well worth reading re future direction of fediverse.

Significant cultural change required: learn from newbies rather than shaming them for "lacking tech skills" and disturbing the peace, move to a collective governance model rather than the heroic individual hacker model.

h/t: @tarkowski

Quote-post: 101010.pl/@tarkowski/109490312

#Fediverse #mastofuture #culturalchange

Last updated 2 years ago

IT News · @itnewsbot
2355 followers · 240991 posts · Server schleuss.online
CCnetwork berlin · @ccnetwork
40 followers · 108 posts · Server climatejustice.social

Climate and culture have always been a continuum shaping civilization. The goes here d'accord with the British cultural geographer - Where climate there culture. Today we naturally think with him or in the mode of crisis and we see this formula - Where there .
Culture change in the mode of climate crisis also transforms conceptualizations in the mode of a global scale - in the wake of for instance or in the intellectual footprints of and some more. With the , CCnetwork berlin tries to develop multiple perspectives on the globality of climate change in the long run. It emerges bottom up and at its best complementary to the scientific apparatus, it emerges in the mode of direct concern and from local perspectives. In this sense, we are grateful for a new discovery from the Caribbean - .
In 2022 we invited Caribbean filmmakers, authors and activists and -Ama to enlighten us on how is understood in the historical context of the . I'll try it in my own formulation, summarized in terms of content, though de facto it will take decades more of research to understand and politically come to terms with the story:
- The deportation of African people by the millions and their enslavement by whites for the purpose of capitalist profit maximization over 4 centuries represents an inescapable origin story of today's crisis. The collective trauma of Black Atlantic cultures is inextricably inscribed in this origin of globalized capitalism.
We are clear that this is an emancipatory act of Black historiography. But equally, that it challenges a revision of white historiography. I found on this instance of just recently a reference to an article in the describing how Richard Drax, a senior British MP and also super-rich heir to one of Barbados' biggest exploiting families, is currently being dragged into a reparations case.

We understand our climate-cultural engagement to be fundamentally open to the long-term strategies of the global reparations movement, even in the context of and
caricomreparations.org/the-glo and are grateful for the deepening of our climate-cultural crisis perspectives from this historically weighty site. Dr. Esther Figueroa and Dr. Imani Tafari-Ama also come back to speak on our festival website for this reason.
We allow here a certain sustainability of important concepts and terminologies of our in the core statements of the climatic subjects, as we can perceive them for the first time in an open but purposefully developed framework. More videos on the overall climate culture context of will follow.

As part 2 of the review of the Caribbean focus, -Ama, following on , talks about the sustainable culture of Rastafari under the aspect of . This form and idea of Caribbean sustainability denotes a conscious counter-conceptualization of collective identity beyond the victim story, a way out of trauma. In this context, Dr. Tafari-Ama also traced a tragic global relationship between primal accumulation and enslavement, increased productivity and the trash of our times. Livity leads directly to the theme of in the film she conceived for the festival. And we found this theme, without having looked for it directly, in many other contributions to the festival.


My German text ranslated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

#ccnetworkberlin #mikehulme #climateculture #climatecultures #ClimateChange #culturalchange #anthropocene #capitalocene #NaomiKlein #chtulucene #donnaharraway #ClimateCulturesFestival #plantagenocene #estherfigueroa #imanitafari #BlackAtlantic #mastodon #guardian #ClimateJustice #justtransition #climateculturestheoriedesign #globalsouth #livity #plastic

Last updated 2 years ago