The Psychic Mantra · @khudaniariya
7 followers · 141 posts · Server

Did you know that each person has a unique space requirement called “proxemics”? This personal and cultural origin determines the size of our space “bubbles”. It's interesting to note that some people have larger space bubbles than others, and when someone enters another person's bubble, it can cause arousal. The type of arousal depends on the context and the person who is invading. Keep this in mind the next time you're interacting with someone.

#culturaldifference #personalbubbles #Proxemics

Last updated 1 year ago

Young ヤン · @Young8964
12 followers · 80 posts · Server

I’m curious if there is modest culture in the West. 🤔

I often see some westerners say online they do speak Japanese or Chinese language perfectly.

I actually saw some westerners speak Japanese or Chinese very well even better than some native speakers, but they usually act very modestly like most Asians.
On the opposite, those that do not speak these languages fluently always say they speak them perfectly.

#culturaldifference #modestculture

Last updated 2 years ago