Експат групата днес: чужди граждани се допитват дали е нормално италианските им гаджета да правят това или онова, както твърдят, или е някаква тяхна измишльотина. #doublechecking #culturaldifferences
#doublechecking #culturaldifferences
Untill your whole language stop making sense and the words change.
But is not just the words that are changing, is the whole system of unspoken things that makes words understandable.
So when you translate a word, you don't have to look for the word with the same meaning in a different language.
You have to look for how people there use that word.
And why.
And with what exact meaning.
And it's not always what you are expecting.
#languages #words #culturaldifferences
I follow Cora Harrington on Twitter and Europeans are offended Americans don’t line dry like they do
-Parts of the US are so humid (SE, PNW), clothes will mildew instead of dry
-Many landlords can EVICT you for line drying inside
-Older buildings (pre-1980) often don’t have bathroom exhaust fans
-HOAs LOVE to ban outdoor line drying because it ‘looks poor.’
#laundry #culturaldifferences
Reading last week’s copy of the New European and just learned that the Americans spell “skeptic” with a k because the root is from the Greek (‘skeptomai’, to think, consider), and we British spell “sceptic” with a c from the French and/or Latin versions of the Greek form. Every day is a school day, etc.
#words #spelling #CulturalDifferences.
#culturaldifferences #spelling #words
Why Japanese Websites Look So Different | by Mirijam Missbichler | May, 2023 | Medium
I guess this kind of design practices come from Japanese Chirashi culture, a double-sided large leaflet containing tons of promotional information from a supermarket coming with newspaper delivery.
#culturaldifferences #Design #Japan
It seems like I have to point out every year that 420 doesn't mean everything that people in The U.S. assume it means.
In India, the meaning of 420 is quite different.
I shall leave the discovery to y'all.
#420 #culturalDifferences
Hello All, a recent, manipulated viral video about the Dalai Lama has been confusing people. The below video gives the Tibetan context. Feel free to share it where you think it might be helpful and combat disinformation.
#Tibet #HHDalaiLama #Buddhism #Disinformation #CCP #CulturalDifferences
#tibet #hhdalailama #buddhism #disinformation #ccp #culturaldifferences
I think many people from the US don't realise how fucking offensive it is in #Europe to use the word "race" for humans.
Like, if someone told me they are "studying race" in a human context, I'd think they're a Nazi.
The concept of race doesn't even have scientific merit, I am truly baffled by it's survival in the US.
Thanks for coming to my TED talk 😅
#UScentrism #culturaldifferences
Disclaimer: Obviously we still have #racism in Europe despite doing away with the concept of human races
#europe #uscentrism #culturaldifferences #racism
Jacinta Osawe describes some of the cultural differences international students have to adapt to when they come to the UK to study.
#Bylines #Uni #Students #Leeds #CulturalDifferences
#bylines #uni #students #leeds #culturaldifferences
A smile for your timelines this weekend. What a wonderful - and oddly enlightening - set of #data! Oh, the confidence of Americans! Or the anxiety of British people? 🤔
'What #animals American and British people think they could beat in unarmed combat'
Via #YouGov #YouGovUS 2021. Not new, just new to me.
#America #American #UK #British #CulturalDifferences #Culture
#data #animals #yougov #YouGovUS #america #american #uk #british #culturaldifferences #culture
Yesterday I showed my Spanish flatmate how to use the kettle in our shared kitchen (cordless, auto-off). Turns out he'd been using water from the hot tap to make his coffee for the last 6 weeks. #culturaldifferences
spoon worms...
#spoonworms #echiura #penisfish #meat #flesh #nonvegetarian #slaughter #carnism #culturaldifferences
#spoonworms #echiura #penisfish #meat #flesh #nonvegetarian #slaughter #carnism #culturaldifferences
safe handling instructions...
#safe #handling #instructions #label #meat #flesh #slaughter #nonvegetarian #culturaldifferences #carnism #goat #penis
#safe #instructions #label #meat #flesh #slaughter #nonvegetarian #culturaldifferences #carnism #penis
safe handling instructions...
#safe #handling #instructions #label #meat #flesh #slaughter #nonvegetarian #culturaldifferences #carnism #goat #penis
#safe #instructions #label #meat #flesh #slaughter #nonvegetarian #culturaldifferences #carnism #penis
marketing the carnism...
#meat #flesh #slaughter #nonvegetarian #culturaldifferences #carnism #chicken #usb #usbstick #earrings #japan #marketing
#meat #flesh #slaughter #nonvegetarian #culturaldifferences #carnism #chicken #usb #usbstick #earrings #japan #marketing
marketing the carnism...
#meat #flesh #slaughter #nonvegetarian #culturaldifferences #carnism #chicken #usb #usbstick #earrings #japan #marketing
#meat #flesh #slaughter #nonvegetarian #culturaldifferences #carnism #chicken #usb #usbstick #earrings #japan #marketing
#meat #flesh #slaughter #nonvegetarian #culturaldifferences #carnism #boneless #pork #rectum
#flesh #boneless #rectum #carnism #meat #slaughter #nonvegetarian #culturaldifferences #pork
#meat #flesh #slaughter #nonvegetarian #culturaldifferences #carnism #boneless #pork #rectum
#flesh #boneless #rectum #carnism #meat #slaughter #nonvegetarian #culturaldifferences #pork