LoJo In YEG · @LoJoInYEG
90 followers · 681 posts · Server mas.to

One issue I have with the way my society (capitalist, settler-colonialist, patriarchal, etc.) is structured is just how deeply and it is. The that serves the ruling/owning class, wherein one’s value is reduced to one’s productivity, is contrary to healthy human development, and is a stark denial of so much of human history - actively inhuman & inhumane. We need to rebuild better/more human .

#leftism #gramsci #socialstructures #culturalhegemony #inhuman #inhumane

Last updated 1 year ago

The Twitter ban of IGD_News (Its Going Down). Is yet again more proof of why we can't fight capitalist cultural hegemony from within institutions like Twitter, doing so will only make our struggle harder in the long term.

#culturalhegemony #gramsci #twitter #itsgoingdown #elonmusk

Last updated 2 years ago

Artemisia Vulgaris · @CommonMugwort
369 followers · 468 posts · Server social.coop

There’s a type of US user of social media that goes around issuing pronouncements about politics and history and what and who should be centred or included in discussions in blissful ignorance of how focused they themselves are on their national preoccupations and how they obliterate cultural diversity by forcing them on others. It’s time to let the go, folks. You’ll have a more interesting time, I promise.


Last updated 2 years ago

An important part of the revolutionary struggle is hegemonic struggle. Elon Musk's handling of Twitter is further evidence that we can not bring about a new hegemony utilising the institutions of capitalist cultural hegemony. If a new hegemony is to become a reality we must fight that hegemonic struggle from within our own new autonomous counter-hegemonic institutions.

#theory #AntonioGramci #elonmusk #culturalhegemony #twitter

Last updated 2 years ago

Wolfgang Wopperer · @wowo101
81 followers · 59 posts · Server kolektiva.social

So, an .

I'm Wolfgang, a by training, by trade and late-coming social . Born and grown up in Germany, I currently live in where I work on () and .

As a facilitator, I help people think together: build shared and do collective .

I have been active in the movement since early 2019 and am on a political journey further left ever since.

(I'm increasingly sceptical of the left/right framing, though, and for a very reason: It serves conservative/capitalist by masking and with an illusion of moral neutrality.)

I'm a nerd about , and theories of , think via and live with two fantastic .

I value over analogy, over Alternative and over agribusiness.

#Introduction #philosopher #facilitator #activist #london #universalbasicincome #ubi #movementecology #mentalmodels #sensemaking #ClimateJustice #leftist #culturalhegemony #inequality #oppression #complexity #conceptualengineering #consciousness #notetaking #dogs #abstraction #artrock #animalrights

Last updated 2 years ago