elizabeth veldon · @elizabethveldon
432 followers · 1978 posts · Server mastodon.scot

@guardian Polly's piece to suggest that she is not CofE. Not only is the part of the culture of the oppressor but even within her own culture she oppresses other Christians, namely Catholics. The horrors of British rule in Ireland and the continued horrors of Catholic persecution in the UK are part of her 'Christian Culture.'

To be is the be proud to be an oppressor.

Now to turn to her plea regarding 'dying with dignity.' 5.


Last updated 2 years ago

elizabeth veldon · @elizabethveldon
432 followers · 1975 posts · Server mastodon.scot

@guardian what does it mean to be ? I have heard the term before but never saw it examined. It stems, I assume, from the idea of being but there is a difference between Christianity and Judaism: Christians in England (to which Polly belongs) have not faced open persecution for many years, centuries even.

where is the Christian Shoah? when where Christians denied the ability to own property or run businesses? when where Christians rounded up 2.

#culturallyjewish #culturallychristian

Last updated 2 years ago

elizabeth veldon · @elizabethveldon
432 followers · 1974 posts · Server mastodon.scot

Polly Toynbee's piece in the @guardian 'Christmas comes with good cheer. The tragedy is the religious baggage' offends me on multiple levels and to discuss them all here would be to fill multiple volumes of toots so let me restrict myself to only a few: we will discuss her claim to be and what that may mean and her plee to the beauty of humanism in allowing the 'right to die with dignity at a time of our own choosing.'

get yourself some mulled wine, this may take a while 1.


Last updated 2 years ago