elizabeth veldon · @elizabethveldon
432 followers · 1976 posts · Server mastodon.scot

@guardian and placed in Ghettos? When where those Christian Ghettos cleared and their residents put on cattle trucks with little or no food and water and taken to death camps?

Within living memory Jewish people have faced oppression and attempts to eliminate them, Christians have not. For me as an outsider being is linked to that, a believe that your faith has meaning as a cultural practice and as a mark of who you are. 3.


Last updated 2 years ago

elizabeth veldon · @elizabethveldon
432 followers · 1975 posts · Server mastodon.scot

@guardian what does it mean to be ? I have heard the term before but never saw it examined. It stems, I assume, from the idea of being but there is a difference between Christianity and Judaism: Christians in England (to which Polly belongs) have not faced open persecution for many years, centuries even.

where is the Christian Shoah? when where Christians denied the ability to own property or run businesses? when where Christians rounded up 2.

#culturallyjewish #culturallychristian

Last updated 2 years ago