January 15 is the anniversary of the opening of the British #Museum. Among its most famous and jealously guarded collections objects are of course the #Parthenon Sculptures (#ElginMarbles):
Only a few days ago:
Dispelling Rumors, #Greece Has Rejected the British Museum's Offer to Return the Parthenon Marbles as a Long-Term Loan |
Artnet News https://news.artnet.com/art-world/greece-rejects-british-museum-loan-deal-parthenon-marbles-2241261
#sculpture #museums #heritage #looting #CulturalProperty
#museum #parthenon #elginmarbles #greece #sculpture #museums #heritage #looting #culturalproperty
RT @HeritageAtState@twitter.com
Now accepting pre-registration for #CPACommittee virtual open session on Jan. 30 considering extension of the U.S. #culturalproperty agreement with Cambodia + new requests from North Macedonia and Uzbekistan. https://eca.state.gov/highlight/cultural-property-advisory-committee-meeting-January-30-February-02-2023 @USEmbPhnomPenh@twitter.com @USEmbassySkopje@twitter.com @usembtashkent@twitter.com
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/HeritageAtState/status/1610281999285067777
#cpacommittee #culturalproperty
#introduction or rather #reintroduction
I'm Matthew! I'm an architect who assists with campaigns for return of the Parthenon Sculptures (AKA Elgin Marbles) to Greece - but my interest extends to all forms of cultural property disputes & looting of ancient artefacts - plus a fair bit of ancient Greek history too.
I blog at: http://elginism.com/ but not nearly as often as I want to.
#archaeology #artcrime #artlaw #culturalproperty #restitution #ancientgreece #parthenonmarbles #elginmarbles
#introduction #reintroduction #archaeology #artcrime #artlaw #culturalproperty #restitution #ancientgreece #parthenonmarbles #elginmarbles
#introduction or rather #reintroduction
I'm Matthew! I'm an architect who assists with campaigns for return of the Parthenon Sculptures (AKA Elgin Marbles) to Greece - but my interest extends to all forms of cultural property disputes & looting of ancient artefacts - plus a fair bit of ancient Greek history too.
I blog at: http://wwelginism.com/ but not nearly as often as I want to.
#archaeology #artcrime #artlaw #culturalproperty #restitution #ancientgreece #parthenonmarbles #elginmarbles
#introduction #reintroduction #archaeology #artcrime #artlaw #culturalproperty #restitution #ancientgreece #parthenonmarbles #elginmarbles